At first, everything seemed to go fine. Nathan scrawled neutralizing runes over the first door, while Jim took one of their other markers for the second one, and Sasha started spraying the part of the upper landing closest to both doors with lighter fluid.
The first words of a neutralizing incantation were barely out of Sasha’s mouth before the house started shaking. Nathan stared hard at Sasha, and the incubus kept on speaking. They would light the place up and run for it as soon as he finished.
They were all crouched low to avoid toppling over as the shaking of the house intensified. The more Sasha spoke, the more the place shook. The magic put into this place was strong, and it did not want to give up its dominance over the house.
Nathan pulled out his lighter. He didn’t smoke, but having a lighter around came in handy in many situations. Matches were too unpredictable.