Chapter 58

“Hang on a sec,” Nathan told Sasha, and got up to walk over to the bathroom. He knocked a couple times before calling out, “Jim! What are you doing in there? Food’s gonna be here soon!”

But even as Nathan said all that, it started to dawn on him what Jim was almost certainly preoccupied with in the bathroom. There were definitely some differences between a five-year-old body and a twenty-five-year-old one. Nathan grimaced. He suddenly really didn’t want Jim to answer honestly.

“Never mind!” he called quickly. “Just…just hurry it up, okay!”

The bathroom door opened and there was Jim, blinking at Nathan innocently. “I’m done,” he said before stepping out, “I was just—”

“I haven’t even heard it yet and it’s too much information,” Nathan broke in, a hand held up like a stop sign to make sure Jim didn’t speak further. “Just, uhh…keep some things to yourself, okay? I need to figure out how we’re going to fix all this.”