“Okay, Nathan.”
“Your conviction is admirable. So is Jim’s. Even Sasha seems to believe this is all quite possible, and he can read the truth beneath the surface, the true intentions at the core of what Jim is. Jim may still be dangerous, but if his motivations are tied up that inextricably with wanting to save you…maybe that truly is all it will take.” Then Walter smiled, nodded once, and faded away without another word.
Having Walter’s blessing, Nathan felt his resolve strengthen. He tightened his fists at his side and stood tall. They could do this. They could really do this.
“Thanks, Walt.”
When Nathan returned to the room, he had to wonder if he had just walked in on yesterday, because as hard as it was for him to believe at first, Jim and Sasha were wrestling on the bed. Okay, so it was more like Jim had Sasha from behind, trying to get something out of his hands, and somehow they hadended upon the bed, but the end result was the same.