Chapter 99

“So I’m guessing that makes you Evelyn,” Sasha said. They hadn’t asked Cam if the kid knew he was an incubus, though obviously Wade knew. Just in case he didn’t, however, they weren’t about to give that detail away. “Or, uhh…Leven, right? That’s what you prefer?”

“Please,” Leven said with a slight wrinkle of his nose, “but I’ll have to answer your questions later.” He walked down a row to pick up his bag off one of the chairs. “Sadly, I have regular class now. Psych though, so bearable. I’ll catch you two later?” He moved past them for the doors and stopped just beside Nathan—a littletooclose—to whisper, “Leave the stagehands ‘til last. They practically live here.Meyou can have any time. Later!” he finished brightly, and then was out the doors in a flash of blue-green, still barefoot.

After Leven left it took Nathan a full minute to come back to himself. Sasha’s laughter helped. “Okay, he’s pretty awesome,” Sasha said.