Chapter 107

“You a…waitress then? Bartender?” Nathan asked before she could slip away.

Wade smirked as she leaned against the open door. “Honey,” she said, “I’m the bouncer.”

Nathan gaped at first but was laughing by the time Wade left. “She was joking, right?”

“Didn’t you date her once? You should see her right hook,” Cam winked.

Nathan huffed, but he supposed he wasn’t all that surprised. Wade could spot shady characters long before they started any trouble.

They still had a problem though and none of them knew how to address it. That Tarot reading could have some real weight to it. Nathan couldn’t help wondering if Leven was the most important person they needed to protect…or the bad guy.

“We’re gonna set a trap for the kid?” Cam exclaimed, sounding offended and maybe a little scared. “But you don’t even know if he—”

“Calm down, Cam. This isn’t going to hurt him,” Sasha assured his friend with a gentle pat on the back.

“Unless he really is dark fae,” Nathan supplied.