“Here, we don’t have to pretend anything. We can just dance. It’s not like I’m asking for a slow dance to Barry White. It’s been pretty much rave music all night. Come on, Nate. For me?” Sasha’s voice deepened and he grinned at Nathan all toothy and sweet.
“This is not a new trend,” Nathan warned him. “You do not get to use that ‘look how cute and pretty I am’ face for at least a week. And the rest of you,” Nathan finished, looking at Cam, Jim, and Leven, “you’re coming with us.”
Of course the kid was all over this invitation. Cam just shrugged, nonplussed. But Jim nearly dropped his beer. “Uh…what?”
“Shake a leg, Jesse James,” Nathan commanded, grabbing Jim’s arm. “At least if you’re out there too maybe I won’t look so bad.”
Nathan shoved Jim out onto the dance floor. “Move.”