There were times when Nathan was certain he didn’t have a clue what he was doing. He thought Sasha would be better off with someone else, someone who wasn’t going to leave him when Nathan’s bounty was up. But other times Nathan was left only with what he felt right then: the knowledge that everything he needed was just what he had—his brother at his side and his lover beneath him.
“You,” Nathan breathed softly into the crook of Sasha’s neck. “Just you. It was always…going to be you. Someone who can…fight with me. Know me. Know this life. And still joke…and laugh…and fuck all night long when we want to. It had to be…you…to get me to feel this way. And no one,no one, is ever going to tell me that’s wrong.” Nathan leaned forward and kissed just below Sasha’s ear. “I love you.”
“Nathan…I love you too.”