Chapter 129

“Come,” the sidhe said, gesturing to the empty sofa. “Let’s chat. Of course the others can join us. I understand how impossible it is for you to do anything without each other these days.”

“So…you actually want to talk? Why? If you can take me right now, why not just do it?” Nathan moved to the sofa as asked, but sat down cautiously, taking the middle since he knew some deep-seated sense of over-protectiveness in both Jim and Sasha would make them want to sit on either side of him. They did.

“Just like that?” the sidhe said with a touch of mocking. “And I thought you were so adamant to get out of our contract. What happened to all that bravado, hmm?”

Nathan’s fists clenched tight. “Dude, are you trying to drive me crazy? Two seconds ago you were torturing my friends to get me to swear I’d behave. Just what the hell do you want?”