Chapter 147

“Nathan, it’s okay,” Sasha said. “It’s okay. Oh god, it’sokay, please stop shaking. You’re just having a bad dream.”

A dream. Nathan wished that was all, and in a way itwasjust a bad dream, only the dream was real. It always had been.

“I don’t wish to hurt him, Nathan,” came Malak’s voice, though Nathan refused to look. “I find the incubus quite…pleasing, in fact. So for both our sakes, don’t make me do that again. You’remineuntil the mark is removed. Remember that.”

Looking up from where he had dug his face into Sasha’s chest, Nathan sunk into an actual embrace so he could glare over the incubus’ shoulder at the sidhe beside the bed. He didn’t want to worry Sasha any further or he might have said something nasty. He said everything he needed with that glare, staring unflinching into red on black with the most potent hatred.