
Chapter 13

“I’ll tell you what, Nathan,” Jim said, standing casually between Sasha and a table of bloodied weapons that were probably iron used on the redhead earlier, leaving wounds that were cured with the empty bottles of antidote. “Do one simple thing for me and I promise…I won’t force him to serve me like the others. I know how you’d hate that.”

There was never a good bargain where it came to what this Jim wanted. Nathan warily asked, “What?” unable to keep his eyes from watching his love struggle to free himself from his bonds.

If movement on Jim’s part hadn’t caught Nathan’s attention he might have missed when his brother tossed him one of the weapons from the table. He caught it clumsily. It was a large knife almost like a machete. “Cut off his wings.”

“What!?” Nathan threw the knife to the cement floor, the metal clanking loudly as it wavered before settling. “Fuck you.Fuck you. You want this to end bloody?You do it.”