Nathan imagined Alex and Jim were met together somewhere near the door, close into each other’s bodies. When Jim didn’t reply but instead Nathan began to hear awkward silence and rather telling, wetnoises, he knew he was right.
He felt proud more than anything. He felt peaceful. Strange to feel something like ‘peaceful’ at the prospect of Jim making out with someone, but that’s what it was—peace. Because it was Alex.
“I just…I can’t disappoint him again,” Jim said, the kiss having ended and his voice back to petulant. “It’s not about me turning evil anymore and becoming…god, I don’t know what. But if Nathan thought it was his duty to make sure I never went darkside, then he better know I’m gonna be just as stubborn to make sure we don’t lose him that way either. I trust him to make the right decision, it’s Malak I’m worried about. I still can’t believe the bastard hasn’t made another play for Nathan yet.”
“Shouldn’t that be a good thing?” Alex asked.