
Chapter 63

“You can’t do this,” Nathan growled, clinging to anger first, angerbecause fear and grief would surely consume him. “You can’t have me!” he called, even though there was no one else visible but him and Leven.

He spun around, looking back toward the front double doors. They were open, he had left them open when he came inside, he remembered, just looking for a place to escape for a while when Leven had run full pelt into him.

No, Nathan shook his head, banishing the memories. It hadn’t been real then and it wasn’t real now.

“You hear me!?” he yelled again. “I’m not yours! You can’t have me back! This isn’t real! It isn’t…real…” Nathan turned his head away from the doors because even though he was struggling to believe none of this was anything but illusion, he couldn’t shake the awful sight of Leven, still alive, reaching out to him, gurgling because he couldn’t speak for all the fluid filling his lungs.