
Chapter 72

The way Solrin stared at Nathan after that, and Jim and Sasha with quick movements of his single green eye, had Nathan worried he had somehow given them away. It wasn’t as if they could just come out and say, ‘hey, we’re trying to save you from the Devil here, pal’.

But when Solrin’s attention settled back on Nathan, whatever was making the guy wary of them seemed to fade, at least enough for him to say, “I suppose that wouldn’t be entirely…abhorrent,” and with words like that the guy reminded Nathan of Jim on his ‘look how smart I am’ days. “But you surprise me. I aided you last night, that’s true, but…most seals avoid working with me. Those who have, often…regret it. You seem almost eager.” There was suspicion again, very apparent.

“Gee, pal, you make it sound like every seal who’s ever worked with you comes out maimed,” Nathan tried to joke.

Solrin didn’t laugh.