“Tell ya what,” Nathan said, swiping a fry from Jim’s plate since he and Sasha had both eaten all of theirs already. “You can sit this one out if you want. We’ll talk to the families and you can start in with scouring for places the nach might be hiding. But only if you swear you’ll call for us if you find something. Deal?”
A tangible sigh of relief seemed to come from all of Nathan’s companions. Even so, Solrin scrunched his face, eyeing Nathan as he said, “I do not have a cell phone.”
The guy had a laptop and a Harley but no phone. Figured. “Okay then,” Nathan said, fishing out his own cell. “Take mine. I’ll have Jim and Sasha with me so we’ll use one of theirs to call you if we find out anything, and you can do the same. You at least know how to use one, right?”
It almost got Nathan laughing when Solrin shot him a rather incredulous look.