
Chapter 165

There was a rush of emotion that filled Sasha the moment their lips touched,Nathan’semotions, strong and sharp like Sasha had never known before, because they were mixed up with something else, heightened byMalak. It felt the same physically, the way Nathan’s lips pressed to his, tongue sliding in smooth, moving languidly with his own. But Nathan tasted…different. The emotions swirling haphazardly within Nathan tainted the kissIt wasn’t bad. It wasn’t darkness or evil that he sensed. Sasha didn’t know how to describe it. So he moved his hands to Nathan’s shirt and held on tighter.

When Nathan’s hands began to move, one up under Sasha’s shirt, the other sliding his fingertips along the waistline of Sasha’s jeans and just beneath, Sasha nearly succumbed. As much as it felt different than Nathan alone, Nathan was there, Nathan was a part of it, and Sasha longed for what small part of Nathan he could still feel.