
Chapter 183

“It is quite easy to discern if you know your lore,” Walter said. The others turned to him, and it became immediately clear that none of them knew a thing. “I have the bow. The weapon of the white horseman, Conquest. Or Pestilence, depending on the version. The horseman on the red horse carries a sword. War.” He indicated Sasha. “The black horse carries scales for balance. While not quite the same, dual pistols do seem appropriate. Famine.” He nodded to Alex. “Which leaves…”

“Death,” Jim said, raising his right hand that bore the ring. “Not exactly a scythe.”

“Death is not actually described as carrying a weapon,” Walter said. “But also please remember what Nathan was told. We are not those iconic soldiers. We are their antithesis. We bring life, and healing, and hope. The weapons themselves are powerful, but they also offer us the essence of what they represent. We will each be granted the power of our namesake once during the battle.”