Chapter 7

Hefting the bag to take his leave, he noticed Priestly’s demeanor shift, tense and antsy now that he knew his time with Mal was limited. “Something else on your mind?” he asked.

“I saw Sean Dunkirk in the area again,” Priestly admitted. “Couple days ago. He didn’t do anything. I couldn’t tell if he was carrying, but—”

“Tell me immediately when something like this comes up,” Mal spoke to him directly. “If Dunkirk’s showing more of a presence lately, you know why.”

“Got it, boss. Sorry.” Priestly averted his eyes. “He was alone. I figured that meant Dunkirk Senior wasn’t giving him any support.”

“He’s not, but that doesn’t mean Sean is any less of a threat. Next time, tell me the second you see him.”

“I will. I promise.”

“Think nothing of it, Hart, but stay alert. Titans have to watch each other’s backs, remember?”

A relieved smile twitched at Priestly’s lips. “Yeah, boss.”