Chapter 19

Mal nudged the extra coffee closer to his friend. “If you want.” He was already half-finished with his own.

Dom claimed the cup from beside him with a grunt, which was as much a thank you as she ever offered, and sat in the unoccupied space. The output for the building’s heating system made a nice bench, the fans ensuring that cool air wafted up on Mal’s side and heated air on Dom’s. Mal knew all the best ways to keep him and his friend in good spirits.

With a hoodie on as well, Dom hummed at the offered warmth from the coffee as she pulled her hood back, revealing the prominent burn scars on the side of her face. They skimmed the line of her cheekbone and went up into her hairline, making it impossible for anything more than peach fuzz to grow there.

Fire people were generally resistant to hot temperatures, but not even an Elemental was completely immune to burns. Dom was susceptible to her own fire as soon as it spread beyond her palms.