Chapter 44

Cho eyed him approvingly, like he was envisioning so many naughty scenarios. “Mmm…” he hummed low and sultry, giving Danny goose bumps as blue eyes scanned him leisurely then flicked to his face to capture his gaze. “But if we get too distracted, we’ll never finish dinner.”

Danny laughed. He had to concede on that. So they ate. Drank wine. And cast each other frequent, furtive glances as they talked.

“Tell me, Sparky, any new villains tripping you up?”

On his second sandwich by now, Danny paused before taking another bite. “Worried about competition?”

“Maybe.” Cho inclined his head. “Heard more about that Virgil Labs case of yours. The one that interrupted our first night. It pays for me to keep tabs on other criminal elements in my city.”

“Looking for pointers?”