Chapter 55

Rashid vanished beneath the counter. The robber turned his gun toward Cho, but Cho charged forward to intercept the kid’s swing and caught his wrist in his left hand, while his right hovered in front of the young man’s face like a threat. Danny never had to move a muscle.

Pulling himself and the robber down just as Rashid rose from beneath the counter and fired over their heads, Cho was up again the next moment as if he’d been expecting that. He backed the kid against the counter while Rashid looked on in horror at having nearly taken Prometheus’s head off.

The robber’s gun clattered to the counter with Cho pinning him, the chill of his touch on the kid’s wrist seeping into his jacket, making him hiss. Cho ripped his mask off with his other hand, icing the fabric in the process so that it crumbled like snow to the floor when he dropped it. Fifteen, all right. Maybe seventeen at most. And terrified.