“You said there was something that was helping,” Stella said. “Is it still helping?”
“Sometimes.” Danny feared she’d find out since Andre knew a little, so he had to tell her at least as much as he’d told him. “There’s this…guy. That I’ve been sleeping with.”
“Danny.” She flashed him her ‘look at you being naughty’ smile as she reached across the table for his hand.
“It’s not a big deal, he’s just…easy to get lost in? When nothing else makes sense or makes me feel better, he does. Which is probably just endorphins from the sex.”
Giggling, Stella pushed him in the shoulder. “That’s good, Danny, I’m happy for you, but don’t get so addicted to the endorphin rush that you feel worse when you’re away from him. You need to figure out how to keep those good feelings going.”
“What do you mean?” Danny asked, thinking of the pills Lynn had given him, but he hadn’t told Stella about that yet.