“Why are you here so late, Dad? Did you want to grab something to eat?” Danny asked, smiling hopefully at his father as he pulled his blazer from the back of his chair and swung it around his shoulders. He could tell when his father was keying himself up to broach a difficult subject, and two days of passing each other tensely in the hallways at home had been more than enough to tip the balance. “I can come back to the precinct after. I was going to do a quick patrol tonight in case Ludgate shows.”
“Sure…yeah, Joey’s at a friend’s house tonight, we should do that.” Leaning against Danny’s desk, John indicated not at all subtly that he wasn’t moving any time soon.
Danny let out a slow, steadying exhale before he grabbed his messenger bag. Facing John off the side of his desk, he was more than prepared for the coming lecture. “I know I haven’t made up for the things I said yet, Dad, and there isn’t much I can do—”