“Then we’ll rest,” Mal said. “And we’ll sleep. And we’ll figure this out. I do have a diamond to reclaim, after all.”
Danny laughed, a sudden eruption that was sad and broken but grateful. “Whatever you say, Cho.”
Mal didn’t know whatto say, but he didn’t think more words would be enough, not now. Coaxing Danny to lean toward him, even though it strained his sore ribs, Mal arched up to meet the kid halfway for a soft kiss. His lip stung, but he didn’t care. “It’s Mal.”
“Right,” Danny puffed a breath. “Mal.”
Their loss tonight didn’t feel like a loss with Danny next to him.
Mal couldn’t have said when they fell asleep after that, right there on the sofa in the same positions they’d started in. He only knew that when he roused, it was to the sound of clattering and vibrations. He’d always been a light sleeper.