Chapter 36

“They got that wrong too?” Paul scowled.

The waiter flushed, and his gaze darted to Jay, who pretended he hadn’t seen. I shook my head again. I wasn’t surprised to find he was behind my selections being changed. It was the petty sort of thing he’d do. And he’d leave the waiter swinging in the wind.

“I’ll exchange your order, sir.” The waiter reached for my plate.

“Don’t bother.” I could picture someone spitting in my food or doing worse. “I’ve lost myappetite.”

“Jesus, if they want you to share the names so badly, you’d think they’d know it was in their own best interest to be nice to you, Sweets.” Paul’s voice was loud enough to be heard at the tables that surrounded ours.

“Y’know what, Pretty Boy? I’m not in the mood to party. I’m going home.”

“Y’know what? Me too. Come on, Spike.”

“Why don’t you leave sugar buns here with us? We’ll show him a real good time.” Jay waggledhis eyebrows salaciously.

“Give it a break, why don’t you?” I was so tired of this bullshit.