Chapter 58

“What…what about your date?”

I ducked my head. “I made it up,” I admitted sheepishly.

“Okay, listen, Theo.” He tipped my chin up so our eyes met, and I was surprised he wasn’t pissed. “There…there may be times when I can’t keep a date. I’ll try to call to let you know, but sometimes I won’t be able to.”

All I heard were the words that meant the most…times—plural, and date. We were dating!

I removed my sweater and took my jacket from the closet, trying to keep my smile from revealinghow much that meant to me.

He leaned forward and kissed me. “Let’s go to dinner?”

“You bet.”


Spike and I were in Paul’s hospital room. We were hoping to talk to his doctor to find out if there was a time frame for when we could expect to bring him home, but so far no luck.

Almost all the rent boys came to see him, including that asshole, Charlemagne.