Chapter 83

“Thanks. That’s nice to hear. Harry tells me that all the time, but that’s his job.” She grinned and then turned to me, her fair eyebrows raised.

“This is Theo Bascopolis.” Wills twined his fingers with mine. “He’s…mine.”

I blinked in surprise. I hadn’t expected him to be so open about it.

They both looked from my lover to me and back.

“Mrs. Matheson.” I held out my hand.

“Oh, please, call me Brynn. Otherwise I’ll think you’re talking to my mother-in-law.” Shetook my hand but stepped closer to kiss my check as well. She was almost as tall as her husband.


“And I’m Harry. Aunt Jill mentioned something about Wills having a surprise for us. I’m just glad it isn’t another scar.”

“I understand you’re responsible for the scar Wills has on his…butt.” I watched my language. There were children around.

Harry shook my hand, his grin rueful. “Am I ever going to live that down?”

His pretty wife laughed. “Not likely, Ha. How you could think Wills was making a play for me…?”