* * * *
Late the following week, JR called. “Hi, Theo. I hope I haven’t called at a bad time.”
“Not at all. Wills isn’t home yet.”
I could hear his sigh over the line. “I tried calling him at work, but it went to voice mail. Ileft him a message, but I had to talk to someone.”
“I’m here, JR. What’s going on?”
“That fucker next door got away with just a hundred-dollar fine.”
I was so stunned I didn’t think to call him on his language. “That’s all?” Never mind that as a purebred, the kitten was worth a lot of money. There was also the emotional damage done tothe entire Matheson family.
“Oh, he’s got to muzzle General Custer whenever he takes the dog out of the house, even if it’s just into the backyard.”
I heard the key in the door. “Hold on, I think Wills has just come home.” I went into the foyer.
“Hey, babe.” He kissed me.
“Wills, did you check your messages?”
“Yeah. I have one from Jar, but when I tried to call him, the line was busy.”