Chapter 103

Right now he was methodically sorting his mail.

“Shred. Shred. Shred. Donation. Donation…” He became still.

I could never figure out how he could be aware of my approach, especially when I was so quiet, but it wasn’t important. I needed to tell him we were going to have company for dinner. It wasthe first time. And it was my sister.

I tore the cuticle of my thumbnail, and it started bleeding. “Damn,” I muttered under my breath. My thoughts were wandering. I stuck my thumb in my mouth and sucked the blood off.

He put the mail down on the table, took my hand and brought it to his mouth, and kissed it. “Let’s find you a Band-Aid.”

“No, you already kissed it better.”

He gave me that grin that melted me into a puddle of goo and kissed my mouth. “What smells so good?”



“Stifado. It’s lamb stew, babe.”

“Ah. We’re going Greek tonight.”

“I didn’t hear that,” I said in a singsong voice, trying to hide my tension. “I could have made it with octopus, you know.”