Match Experience

After the 45th minute the whitsle sounded for half time and the stadium went back to its original scene with only me standing in it in a dirty jersey.

"Host is adviced to reflect on the first half as host is not making proper usage of his abilities."

A screen popped out of nowhere and it started showing my match moments and it showed moments where I should have passed the ball or moments I could have made some runs and they were being showed from the perspective of my god's vision ability.

I turned my head and watched seriously as I knew I had played really badly, the screen continued to show my mistakes and also the most appropriate choices that I could have made at the time, I kept listening carefully as in the match these decisions had to be made in a split second and that was why experience was always needed as experienced players could make the appropriate decisions at the appropriate time.

After watching it over and over again I could surmise that I hadn't played out my advantages which was why I was making alot of mistakes and losing the ball as I didn't pass at the appropriate time.

"Host is adviced to strive to strike a balance between between when to pass the ball and when to breakthrough, as that is also one of the uses of the god's vision ability."

While keeping all corrections and advices in mind I called out "System begin the second half."

The second half kicked off as we rushed into the opponents half to put pressure on them, the ball was passed around till it got to Chivu, while checking the possible passing routes through the god's vision I rushed at him and when he turned and passed it back to the goalkeeper I sprinted after the ball but Julio Cesar rushed out and cleared the ball.

I had to admit that the god's vision ability was a really versatile skill in terms of usage and application.

Giggs won the ball's first drop point after trapping the ball, he quickly got rid of Sneijder and before Zanetti could close him down, he sent a long pass from the center line of the field to the right flank.

I took off immediately as the ball tracker judged the landing point, Chivu reacted immediately and chased after me and I knew that the moment I slowed down to control the ball he would entangle with me and I will probably lose the ball, so while chasing after the ball as it bounced towards the corner area, I used god's vision to look at the penalty box and I could see Rooney and Ronaldo sprinting towards into the penalty box.

Ronaldo rushed towards the center of the penalty area while Rooney rushed towards the back point and Maicon hadn't arrived so I made my decision instantly and as soon as I reached the ball I swung my leg and crossed the ball as it just touched ground and Chivu crashed into me, while I was on the floor I saw the trajectory through the ball tracker and knew that it would fall by the side of Rooney but through the god's vision I could see Maicon had already rushed into the penalty area and shoveled the ball out for a corner kick.

While walking towards the corner flag to take the corner kick I judged that if I had crossed the ball in a more comfortable position as I had been put under pressure by Chivu, I could have gotten the ball accurately to Rooney.

While standing at the corner flag I watched the scuffles happening inside the penalty box and immediately I heard the whistle I observed Ronaldo making his way deep into the box as I crossed the ball immediately into the center of the penalty box but under the pressure of Lucio, Ronaldo's header went above the crossbar.

The game went on with both sides switching between attacking and defending.

In the 54th minute we finally had a chance as Scholes passed the ball to Rooney who had dropped out of the penalty area, he passed the ball immediately on to Ronaldo on the left flank while Evra suddenly sprinted out towards the bye line from behind Ronaldo taking Maicon's attention away for a split as Ronaldo cut into the front of the penalty area and took a shot immediately, I watched a real version of the Cristiano Ronaldo's Shooting Skill as the ball ended up in the dead corner of the goalpost, Julio Cesar could do nothing about it.

The match restarted and I was happy for the goal even if it didn't have anything to do with me.

In the 60th minute Sneijder took a shoot in front of the penalty area but it went wide, in the 67th minute I finally had a chance as I went 1v1 against Chivu after recieving a beautiful through pass from Carrick and this time after I used the step-over to successfully send him the wrong way I rushed into the penalty box and before Cambiasso could block me, I chipped the ball into the space between Lucio and Samuel which I had seen through god's vision and Rooney was there to finish the goal with a beautiful header.

"Yesss!!!!", I screamed for joy as I saw my assist being converted into a goal, I had finally made an impact in a match of this level.

When the match kicked off again, I was very active with my new found confidence, receiving the ball, passing the ball, going to make dribbles once I saw a 1v1 situation and even though I lost the ball most of the time I was very happy, I even had a chance to take a shot from the front of the penalty area and even though Julio Cesar saved the ball, it didn't dampen my joy at being able to return to the football field.

We later lost the match 1:2, in the 80th minute Sneijder took a long shot from the front of the penalty area which ended up in the back of the net.

After the match was the revision section where I started going through my match moments and listening to the system tell me what should have been the best choices to make in some moments.

I had benefited from this matchup alot and thinking that I still had 5 more matches to play just for today, I rushed to the muscle relaxation pod to get my 1 hour usage time and get ready for the next match.