Eastern tour (enrolling)

I quicken my step so she won't find me , if she will be coming to thank me ,I know that if she should stand close to me ,I will do silly things ,more than waving without observing that I was waving,I walked a long distance, before decreasing my pace of walking, causes am out of sight,she can't find me to thank me for the gift I gave to her.

' I bet she can't find me now ' I thought to myself and I stopped walking fast ,I started moving slowly knowing she can't find me now .

I resumed my viewing,I kept on walking forward looking at the houses and every other things,I move further and further till I reached a very tall and beautiful pagoda,like the type in Asian movies ,like a place where people learn the act of defending their self with their fist ,and also other weapons,I am at the side of the pagoda ,I wanted to walk pass the pagoda.

"Hamm hamm Hamm " I can hear the sound of people humming and also the sound of people moving their legs in different way like they were matching, it sound the same as a group of soldiers training.

I walked to the entrance of the pagoda, and behold I can see young boys probably the youngest student I can see here might be eighteen and the oldest is probably in his late twenties.

all of them are gathered in different sections with different Masters instructing them , in the different sections some are training with the their bare fist , and some other group are training with different weapons the sword and the spear .

I always dreamed of been a sword master one day , I guess this is the time to fulfill my dream.

I walked to the entrance, there is someone acting like the security here .

" hey , young man where are you going, this is a martial school, you can't be here unless " the man standing there as a security holding a spear said to me seeing that I was looking at the students close to the gate, I guess no one comes here without been asked for , or he is attending the school.

"sorry sir , but is there anyway I can enroll in this school now , I will really love to learn the way of the sword "

" are you sure , young man that you want to enroll, or you are just saying it , the school authority will not like seeing someone here , especially at the entrance so if you know that you are joking, you better leave "

"I really mean it sir , I want to learn and is there anyway I can enroll and start now " I said to man with pleading eyes.

he looked at me for a long time and said to me.

"are you sure , if you are sure if what you are saying, you can come in , bit if you said this just to gain entrance into this school, you will have yourself to blame young man " the man said at last after looking at me .

" can I go in now and where am I going to enroll sir " I asked him seeing that he now understands that I want to really join the classes .

"the office is right after the practising student, you will have to pay a gold coin as an enrollment fee , do you have the money with you now" he asked

good riddance, I have exactly two gold coin with me here .

" yes sir I have the gold coin can I go in now " I showed him the coin.

"alright you can go in " he opened the gate and I entered.

I can see the student training more clearly than the way I saw it outside the gate

" hiaya " I can here the sect of students screaming as they execute their punches,I can also hear the sound of swords clashing with each other .

I have to walk fast so no one here will ask me what i am doing in the training ground ,I stop in front of the office the man told me ,I knocked at the door

" who is there " I can hear some one behind the door answering me .

I did not know what to say so I knock once again, pretending I wasn't listening to what the man said the first time .

"come In " I heard the man telling me to come in ,this is actually what I wanted to hear the first time.

I opened the well furnished wooden door and I saw a fat man seating inside the office .

" young man I don't seem to know you ,how can I help you " the fat man asked me .

" good day sir ,I want to enroll in this martial school"

" are you sure you want to enroll in this school, this school might look good and simple to you , but you haven't learnt the history of things here , and you enroll here you are going to be the youngest, I suggest you go back and come back to this school when you are eighteen"the man advised, but I don't want to even listen because I have made up my mind to do something good , I want to learn the way of the sword and be the best in it.

"sir I am ready to face any challenges that will come with this my decision, I a ready to learn sir " I said to the man with determination.

" ok since your mind is made up I can't change it , do you know how much it costs to enroll in this school"

" yes sir the man at the gate told me that enrollment in this school costs a gold coin"

" and do you have it here with you , I guess you are ready to start today "

" yes sir i am ready to start today "

" ok since you will be learning the cultivation of the sword, we have fifty four student in this school that just finished enrolling and basic lesson is already going on "

" yes sir , I know I will have to take the first examination to start training, I am very ready to learn sir "

" ok where is the gold coin, and Don't forget you also need your training uniform, and that cost an additional charge of two silver coin"

" ok sir , I also have that with me , will should I pay it now "

" young man you can pay it now and your uniform will be ready by tommorow, so you will have to start your lessons tomorrow "

I placed my hands in my pocket and brought out the last two gold coins with me , I gave it to the man .

"my house is a bit far , does this school have a place for a student to lounge" I asked the man , because I am really going to learn the way of the sword , am a little bit too excited because I am already having something to do and it learning my favorite weapon the sword .

" it seems you are really serious, well we have a lot of rooms here and most of them are occupied only few rooms are left , and staying in a room costs four silver coin a month also equivalent to four gold coin a year"

" ok sir I think I will lounge here for a year "

" ok young man, you can resume tommorow, it very late to start lessons now , so you have to resume lesson tommorow".

" thank you sir I think I have to be leaving now "

" you can skip the sir, I am your head master now "

" ok head master see you tomorrow " I wave at the headmaster as I leave the office .

' I am going to enjoy my stay in this school, and finally something to do ' I head to the training ground again.

what the head master said is actually very correct, it seems easy without knowing what it takes but it is actually hard , I can see almost all the student training in the field sweating profusely.

especially the ones I saw executing their punch routine,some are sitting on the floor tiredly .

" xiou don't be lazy , can't you be hard working for ones ,you got tired just executing a few punches are you sure you want to be a master like me " I saw a teacher yelling at a boy sitting on the floor breathing very fast and also sweat is allover his body .

"I know ,I know ,I should train to be like Chang Zang , I know ,but I have to rest" the boy said to his master yelling at him.

' who is this Chang Zang anyway, why is this teacher asking a student to be like another student ' I thought silently.

I head straight to the gate of the school,the man I saw earlier is still standing there .

"young man how did it go ,have you finally enrolled " the man at the gate asked again.

" yes sir I have enrolled and I will be starting my lessons tomorrow"

" that is good,so you will have to be diligent and serious,I bet you will find out about the master student in this school your self

" Chang Zang " I asked

"yes how did you know of him so quickly" he asked .

"well I heard a teacher praising his name , and telling one of his student to be like him "

" since you found out, I bet you want to take that glory right, I can see you are a very determined person "

" yes one day I will surpass him with my sword , beside what has he cultivated that made him a demi - god over all other student in this school "

" well he studies all the things that are learnt in this school , but he is expertised in the way of the sword , and also he might be older than you are " he said .

" don't worry I will also expertise in my sword lesson and I will also put him in his place , any way I am going home before it gets dark out here "

" good bye my young friend " he said and waved at me , I also waved at him.

' young friend how did I become his young friend in just one day ' I thought to myself.

I am on my way home now , still this place is still as silent as it is before, and also the place is very bright, even though it is getting dark outside .

I walked home faster I bought some snacks to eat when I get home .

I got to my house feeling excited, hungry and tired , I opened the snacks wrapped in some form of papers , and I took a bit of it , it looks very delicious so I started rushing it because of the hunger in my stomach , after eating I took water from the jug in the room and I drank of it , I rolled out the futon to sleep .

I rest my body on the futon, and I started gazing at the ceiling smiling to my self , I closed my eyes.