Azren's question in his head didn't get any answer even after the car reached the photoshoot venue. Felice had sent him the venue address, and he just needed to follow the maps' instructions to reach the address.

He was glad because he didn't need to risk his life by asking Michy about the address. Michy was in bad mood, and the idol probably would give him a death glare instead of an answer.

The ride was blanketed by silence after Azren almost crashed the car with another car in the cross-section earlier. Ever since Michy scolded him harshly, no one was speaking in the car.

Azren had known that the silver-haired boy had a very bad temper and would easily be provoked by a small incident. He had expected the outcome even though he didn't even make a big accident. He successfully stopped the car in time and saved both of them from a car accident, but the human was still angry at him.

That wasn't unpredictable for Azren, but one thing that surprised him was when the human suddenly mentioned a man with blonde hair. His hair was blonde, but he was sure that he had never met the idol before he was punished by Lucifer.

'Was he talking about his ex-boyfriend or something?'

That idea flashed in his mind, but then he shook his head to brush off the thought. His human brain told him that a man normally would be in a relationship with a woman in the human world.

The relationship between the two men was taboo and would not be accepted by society, and he doubted Michy had ever experienced such a relationship at such a young age.

Michy was indeed still raw, so probably that wasn't the case. Probably Michy was talking about his relatives or something.

"Excuse me, are you Michy's new assistant?"

A question pulled him out of his reverie. He blinked his green eyes and realized that he was currently in a dressing room.

"Ah, yes. I'm Michy's new assistant. Is there anything I can help you with?"

The one who had just asked him a question was a short-haired girl. She was very thin and had darker skin compared to his fair skin. The girl smiled at him politely while handing the phone to him.

"I'm one of the makeup artists here, and Michy is getting ready now. He asked me to hand his phone to you."

Azren stared at the phone blankly. Michy sat not far from him, and another makeup artist was busy with his face. Why didn't Michy call him to tell him to hold the phone straight away?

It seemed that the idol was still upset with him, and he could only lament before taking the phone from the girl's hand.

"Thank you," he muttered politely.

The girl smiled again as she said, "Michy has always been a sweet and professional kid. When he was working, he didn't want to play with his phone. That's why he asked me to hand over his phone to you."

Azren could agree when the girl praised Michy for his professionality, but sweet? Azren couldn't find the idol's sweet side. Michy was always rude and harsh, and the character was so far from what the girl had just said.

However, the blonde just ignored the girl's opinion and stared at Michy, who was still busy getting his makeup done. Suddenly, another girl with two glasses of water in her hands tripped and hit the idol's back. The glasses fell on Michy's shoulders, and the liquid contents soaked the idol's clothes.

The blonde demon immediately got up and rushed toward his boss.

Michy had already gotten up from his seat, and he was using his hands to wipe the liquid off his clothes.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?" Azren asked the idol in a worried tone as he was doing his job as the idol's assistant.

Felice couldn't come today because she had to manage her other artist, and she had trusted Michy's safety to him. If anything bad happened to the idol, Felice would be mad at him for sure.

"I'm sorry! I didn't do it on purpose! I tripped and lost my balance!" The girl, who caused Michy's clothes to become wet, apologized to the idol while bowing her body several times.

Azren didn't comment and just waited for the idol's response. Michy was a short-tempered boy who easily got angry at anyone who made mistake around him, so he was likely to snap at the girl harshly.

The emerald eyes were on Michy the whole time, and they could see how Michy looked up from his clothes and stared at the girl. Azren expected a drama, and if Michy couldn't control his temper, then it would increase the idol's evil meter.

"It's okay."

Azren gasped upon hearing the simple answer coming out of Michy's lips. He gawked at Michy to see the idol's reaction, but the idol looked calm like nothing happened. He thought that the idol might just want to put a nice facade and hide his anger before he vented it out later, but he couldn't see any trace of anger on the idol's face.

Michy wasn't offended by the girl's reckless action?

Self-control was something that God and the angels taught the humans, and it seemed Michy had mastered his self-control quite well at this point. But Gizach said that no angel was guarding Michy, right?

"Are you really okay? But your clothes are wet," the girl spoke again.

"It's not a big deal. It's not the clothes that I will wear for the photoshoot, so it's okay."

The idol even smiled at the girl, and Azren fell silent. Was it because it was a girl who made the mistake that Michy didn't yell at her? Azren felt dizzy all of a sudden.

"Azren, can you get my spare clothes in the car? I have to change into dry clothes after the photo shoot is over."

Michy even called him by his name for the first time, and the idol even looked so friendly and polite to him! Did the idol forget that he was angry at the blonde earlier?