Was that even a solution? Was that even an answer to his problem?

Azren was hoping Orgonel would give him a direct answer related to Michy, but the senior Demon only handed the baton to Lucifer instead of directly answering his question.

Was it too difficult for the long-haired demon to answer his question?

"Why didn't you answer my question directly, Sir? I'm in the human world now, and I can't go to Hell to meet our king. How can I ask him the question?"

Orgonel was not realistic with his idea, and Azren dared himself to protest the senior demon.

"You dared to order me around, Azren?"

The sound that came out of the phone speaker sounded cold and distant, and Azren shivered right away. "I wouldn't dare to order you around, Sir. I just want to know whether it's possible or not for an angel to stay in Michy's heart."

Azren was just a lowly demon without much knowledge, and something like that wasn't something he would know. Perhaps only the high-rank demons would know about that matter, and Orgonel surely was one of them.

Orgonel was powerful, and in addition to that fact, the demon was Lucifer's trusted subordinate. Aside from the king, perhaps Orgonel was the one who knew a lot about the secrets in the demon world.

But, to his dismay, he didn't get an immediate response from the senior demon. He ended up furrowing his brows. 'Maybe he doesn't want to tell me anything about Michy?' He couldn't help but wonder.

The young demon was still wondering, but then he could hear the older demon sigh heavily on the other end of the phone.

"It's not like I don't want to give you more information about your target, Azren," Orgonel finally replied after a quite long pause. "But I don't know much about him, and I also don't know the possibility of an angel staying in his heart."

The young demon froze upon hearing the answer. Orgonel, one of the high-rank demons in the demon world, couldn't even answer his question? That demon didn't even know whether it was possible or not for an angel to stay in a human's heart?

"So, even you couldn't detect the presence of an angel in Michy's heart? But I thought you were very powerful, Sir?"

Azren didn't mean to question the senior demonic power, but the realization tickled his conscience.

"You questioned my power?"

He had expected that the senior demon would be offended by his question, though.

"It's not like that, Sir. I know that you are so powerful, but I thought you could do anything that I couldn't do."

"Stop being so naive, Azren. I'm not the demon king, so if you want to get an answer for your question, you can ask our king directly."

Azren huffed in dissatisfaction. He ran a hand through his blonde locks before bringing his body to sit on the edge of the bed again.

"How can I ask our king, Sir? Does our king have a phone number too?"

The question probably sounded stupid in Orgonel's ears because the senior demon burst into laughter all of a sudden. Orgonel, a cold-hearted demon who rarely smiled and only knew how to smirk, suddenly laughed out loud because of Azren's silly question.

"Do you think our king even needs a phone number, you stupid demon?" The older demon commented harshly after his laughter died. "If he wants to, he can always communicate with you using his telepathy power. But, if he doesn't want to communicate with you, then you can bury your dream to contact him in the demon world."

The blonde had expected the answer. Of course, the demon king wouldn't need a stupid thing called a phone when he already had the strong power in his body.

"So, I can't contact him at all, Sir? I can only wait for the time when he's willing to communicate with me using his telepathy power?"

"Yeah, but I doubt he will because you are just a lowly demon who's not important in his eyes. You should keep your hope low."

The two broad shoulders went limp after hearing the senior demon's answer. Orgnonel may be right. He was just a lowly demon who often made mistakes that brought him into the human world, so he shouldn't have expected Lucifer to contact him.

"You better focus on your mission and don't be bothered by something uncertain, Azren. Don't you want to return to your demon form? Or you start enjoying your life in the human world instead?"

Another question came from the senior demon, and the pair of emerald eyes instantly bulged. "That's not true!" He denied the accusation. "I want to go back to the demon world soon. Staying with Michy is hard. He was so heartless most of the time, and even the employees in the company didn't like him―wait, Sir. I have another question for you."

Azren suddenly stopped his blabber as he remembered about one thing related to Michy. Orgonel didn't give him a response, so he decided to continue. "The employees in the company didn't like Michy. They said that Michy was a whore who sold his own body to be able to debut as an idol. Is that true, Sir? Is Michy really a whore?"

Orgonel didn't know about what was inside the idol's heart, but the senior demon probably had a clue related to the idol's personal life. Azren didn't mean to pry, but he just wanted to get a confirmation.

"Oh? You ever heard about that rumor?" The long-haired demon questioned the young demon again, and the said demon nodded his head curtly.

"That's just a rumor, right, sir? Michy can't be a whore, can he?"

Azren didn't understand why he cared a lot about the idol, but his heart was beating loudly as he waited for the senior's answer.

"No, that's not just a rumor, Azren. Michy is indeed a slut who didn't hesitate to sell his body to people on the board of directors so that he could debut as an idol."