The room fell silent after the idol suddenly uttered two questions to the newcomer. The three heads faced the silver head that still lied weakly on the hospital bed. The pair of blue eyes still glared at the green ones, and perhaps they would remain the same until the owner of the green ones responded to the questions.

The question shocked Azren, and he could only widen his eyes without saying anything. He had not even finished preparing himself to meet the idol, but the said idol immediately attacked him with questions that caused his breath to hitch.

The emerald eyes shifted a little and met a pair of hazel eyes. Those eyes were Vienna's.

"I... I didn't tell him anything! I swear!"

Even before Azren questioned the girl, the said girl immediately denied his suspicion. He remained suspicious, though. Michy knew the truth about the 'kiss,' and Vienna was there with the idol earlier. It was normal if Azren suspected the girl, right?