It was already late at night, and Michy had been sleeping since dozen minutes ago.

He went outside again earlier to buy dinner for the young idol, and he didn't make a mistake again this time as he bought a proper meal for the youth. Michy seemed to be craving seafood, and he bought seafood to satisfy his boss's stomach.

There was no seafood restaurant near the hospital, and Azren had to hail a can to head to the seafood restaurant. He had to cry inwardly when his money left his wallet and his wallet became so thin now.

He had to sacrifice his money if he didn't want to see the young idol act grumpy again and keep slandering him with harsh words.

Ah, he had not even forgotten how their conversation ended earlier in the afternoon.

["You've kissed me, and just now you dared to call me your wife?"

Azren couldn't give an immediate reply and could on gape at the idol's question.