Michy also didn't move away from the assistant's face even if he realized that their faces were only inches apart now. He could see the assistant's eyes become hazy, but he didn't feel the need to pull away from the man.

Instead of pulling himself away, Michy brought his face to get closer with Azren's, and finally, their lips touched with each other.

The pair of emerald eyes widened when he felt the warmth enveloping his lips. He indeed wanted to kiss Michy, but he didn't expect that the idol would initiate the kiss!

He was not in the silly play with the nice Michy, but it was the normal Michy who was kissing him. And it was not a chaste kiss because the idol started to eat his lips for real!

Azren's body froze, and he couldn't do anything other than let Michy do what he wanted. He even stayed still like a statue when Michy's hands started circling his neck and brought his face even closer to the idol's.