It already passed midnight, but the pair of green eyes remained wide open instead of closing tightly. The owner didn't feel the drowsiness at all, and he could only stand on the room balcony that directly faced the sea.

The waves kept chasing each other, not wanting to stop even if it was already so late, just like how his brain refused to stop working even if it was this late.

"Who is Theo? Who is Michael?" His lips muttered the words as his emerald eyes kept staring at the ocean that looked black right now. "Whose memory is that? The memory is similar to the one that flashed in my mind when I saved Michy from drowning. What does it mean?"

Azren was haunted by the strange memory ever since he spaced out while facing the ocean from the bathroom window earlier today. A weird memory about an angel who received a task from another angel was the beginning of the chain of weird memories.