The setting evokes the essence of a meadow, yet it possesses an other-dimensional quality. The expansive landscape is cloaked in leafy plant-like growth, reminiscent of grass but uniquely distinct. Above, the sky is awash with swirling clouds, bearing a peculiar fusion of green and golden hues, a breathtaking but eerie sight.

Amid this surreal tableau, a multitude of mysterious, green creatures rest upon the lush, grass-like flora, creating an uncanny and unsettling spectacle. Pools of crimson stain the plant-life, creating a jarring contrast between the vibrant greens and the somber reds.

Within this somewhat unsettling scene stands a solitary figure, a young boy with fiery red hair and a pallor that contrasts starkly with his vibrant surroundings. His presence seems both out of place and integral to this macabre landscape, a living embodiment of contrast in this surreal world.

With the horde of monsters now defeated, Xin finally had a moment to fully take in the spectacle before him. "This is an astonishing sight, no doubt. However, something feels amiss," Xin murmured, his contemplative words breaking the silence that had settled over the scene.

"The expanse is as grand as the Emperor's royal gardens, yet it plays a little trick on the mind," Xin muttered, scratching his head with a perplexed look. "It's as if this place is stretching its arms wide, saying, 'Look how big I am!' while secretly winking and saying, 'But don't get too carried away, there's a limit to this cosmic theater!'"

Stepping away from the lifeless body of the hobgoblin, Xin ventured a few paces forward. As he extended his hand, a curious discovery awaited him—an invisible barrier, a wall not discernible to the eye but felt through touch. His fingers made contact, and in response to his curiosity, the once unseen barrier revealed itself as a faint white shimmer upon contact.

Persisting in his quest for answers, he traced the contours of the invisible walls, his steps echoing through the confined expanse. With each circuit completed, his suspicions solidified: what had initially seemed like a boundless realm was, in fact, a conundrum wrapped in a confined space. A planet-sized reality ensnared within an imperceptible box, a riddle that defied the laws of both logic and physics.

Undeterred by this realization, Xin's inquisitive spirit led him to ponder the parameters of this newfound discovery. And so, he turned his attention upward, his gaze now set on the ceiling that had once been an open sky.

Xin, seizing the opportunity, decided to make use of the massive axe that the hobgoblin's lifeless hands had clung to so fiercely. With a strong grip, he hurled the formidable weapon towards the ceiling. The axe met the invisible boundary with a resounding impact, causing the very dimensions of the space to tremble and convulse in response. The point of impact erupted in an ephemeral burst of white, the hue dissipating after a brief, bewildering interlude. "This is truly a puzzle," he pondered.

"But, that's not the only oddity in this gallery of strangeness," Xin remarked, his gaze shifting towards the floating orb that exuded an eerie darkness, casting an uncanny glow. Approaching with both curiosity and caution, Xin's voice took on a contemplative tone. "There's something about this... something that draws my qi." He inched closer, his intrigue overpowering his instinctual wariness.

Intent on a closer examination, Xin's rational plan to simply observe was foiled by an unforeseen impulse. As though under some irresistible spell, his fingers extended and made contact with the orb, an event that transpired faster than a rabbit's dash across a rice paddy. Xin's face shifted from a state of mild intrigue to a mix of astonishment and disbelief. "What in the heavens—" he exclaimed. With a disconcertingly swift transition, the orb vanished as if Xin's fingers had devoured it, leaving behind nothing but the perplexity etched across his features.

He managed to keep a stoic expression, but inwardly, he was taken aback. "Well, that was unexpected," he muttered, both intrigued and slightly unnerved by this strange turn of events. A notification materialized before him, displaying the cryptic words: "Chaos power + 50."





7 years later

Jade Heights Residences

12 Tranquil Path, Zhuyuan Peak, Penthouse 23A

Draped in the moon's silver embrace, the penthouse's expansive windows exuded a soft, enchanting glow. Perched atop a gentle hill, it held a regal vantage point, bestowing breathtaking panoramic views that stretched across the sprawling cityscape, with the majestic silhouette of distant mountains.

Intricate wooden screens adorned the grand entrance, hinting at the perfect blend of clean lines and minimalist aesthetics with the graceful curves of traditional archways. The juxtaposition of these elements created an ambiance where history and modernity converged seamlessly.

Every room was a testament to the concept of balance and unity. A sense of symmetry prevailed, a hallmark of the owner's obsession to equilibrium. The strategic arrangement of furniture, the thoughtful alignment of artwork, and the careful distribution of space all contributed to the sense of harmony that graced the space.

Within the wall's confines, our focus gravitates toward a teenager comfortably lounging on a vibrant red sofa, adorned with intricately designed gold frames.

Just in front of the sofa rests a television, a sleek and contemporary marvel. Its glossy black surface reflects the ambient light, while the stand it rests on exudes a polished elegance. It's a piece of technology that effortlessly complements the overall design aesthetic of the room, bringing a touch of modernity to the traditional setting.

On the television screen, a cosmic drama unfolds with breathtaking visuals. The scene captures the essence of the ethereal, as swirling nebulous colors paint an otherworldly backdrop. Amid this celestial canvas stands a colossal figure lifting a raven-haired man cloaked in regal attire in the air.

The expression on the captive figure's face reflects deep concern, mirroring the emotions of the red-haired teenager observing this climactic confrontation. Holding his breath, his gaze fixed unblinkingly, he becomes a silent part of the intense drama, a witness to the poignant climax.

The charismatic man's final, whispered words reverberate, landing with the weight of a haunting refrain, "You will never be a god." The pathos of the moment is accentuated as his eyes fill with blood.

As the teenager's eyes begin to moisten, his phone interrupts the drama, the screen transitioning from black to white, revealing the time: 10:00 PM. "Ah, I haven't even started yet," Xin mutters, rising from the sofa to tend to his nightly routine.

As he rose from the sofa, Xin reached for the remote, silencing the television with a press of a button and the screen flickered to black.

The scene transitioned seamlessly, revealing Xin's presence in the bathroom. His reflection stared back at him from the mirror as he methodically brushed his teeth, the rhythmic sound filling the room. Gargling a refreshing splash of water, he meticulously rinsed his toothbrush, adhering to a quiet routine.

Emerging from the bathroom, Xin headed directly to the center of the room where his bed awaited, bathed in the captivating glow of city lights pouring in from the expansive window. Tucking himself in, he arranged the covers neatly, creating a sense of order amidst the world's chaos. As his eyes closed, the city's incandescent tapestry cast a gentle glow upon the room, accompanying him into the realm of dreams.

With the first light of dawn, the windows caught the sun's tender caress, illuminating Xin's features in a pale glow. His countenance, already of a pallid hue, seemed even more drained as he shifted restlessly upon his bed. Unspoken words, tinged with a sense of remorse, escaped his lips in a whisper.

As the sun's rays reached his eyes, they snapped open, a sudden awakening from his uneasy slumber. He sat up, his breathing initially erratic, but gradually steadying, his expression returning to its familiar stoic demeanor, as if this routine were an ordinary part of his daily life.

As Xin rose from the bed, his hand instinctively reached for his phone on the bedside table. With a swift glance, he scanned the screen, his lips curling into a subtle smile as he tapped and swiped through the display.

And then, with a well-timed flourish, Xin raised the phone, fingers delicately poised, as if he were about to perform a complex piano concerto. But as the first few notes of an upbeat melody burst forth from the device's speakers, Xin's demeanor shifted.

With a sly nod that lingered just long enough, Xin's feet came into life. His steps took on a life of their own, evolving into a lively jig that could give any neighborhood block party dance-off a run for its money.

As he seamlessly transitioned his groove into a dynamic roundhouse kick, the scenery around him shifted abruptly. In the blink of an eye, the cozy bedroom backdrop transformed into the bustling center of a crossroad surrounded by pedestrian crossings. Xin's attire underwent a swift change as well, now garbed in a classic high school uniform.

The uniform consisted of a crisp white dress shirt with intricate frog buttons tucked neatly into charcoal gray trousers, paired with a dark-colored backpack featuring subtle red accents. A navy blue tie was elegantly knotted around his collar, completing the polished look.

The setting was a bustling urban crossroad, alive with the energy of early morning. The pedestrian walkways were crisscrossed with a web of foot traffic, a vivid mosaic of students from various schools converging as the day dawned. Bags slung over shoulders, textbooks clutched in hands, they maneuvered their way through the labyrinth of fellow students.

Dancing to his own rhythm without a care, he garnered odd looks from the surrounding people. The upbeat music resonated through corded earphones, the wire snaking down to his pocket where his phone rested.

Eyes of passersby locked onto Xin, their expressions a mix of intrigue, amusement, and bewilderment. Raised eyebrows, bemused smiles, and a few outright chuckles adorned the faces of the onlookers. Xin's dance was a spectacle that defied the norm, an unexpected interlude in the routine of their morning commutes.

As Xin pirouetted with dramatic flair, a group of high school girls clad in their uniforms could not contain their amusement. Giggles erupted, blending seamlessly with the background hum of conversation. Holding their smartphones aloft, they captured Xin's spirited dance in snapshots and videos, sharing laughter.

Amidst the bustling crossroad, a girl with raven-black hair and ebony eyes sported the same emblem-clad uniform as Xin, though with a distinct touch. She paired her attire with a skirt, a blue ribbon replacing the tie, and black leggings enveloping her legs. Glancing up from her phone, she observed the unfolding spectacle of Xin's dance with an expressionless gaze. "What a funny guy," she remarked in a deadpan tone, before returning her attention to her device.

Not far off, an eccentric-looking boy boasting hair dyed in vibrant shades of gold and pink, adorned the same uniform as Xin. His apparel was complemented by multiple silver accessories and piercings that interconnected from his ears to his lips. Captivated by the amusing sight, a grin spread across his face, and a mischievous idea took root. Swiftly navigating the crowd, he made his way to Xin's location and joined the impromptu dance. His exuberant moves elicited even louder laughter from the amused onlookers.