Within this realm of unrelenting heat, where the very air shimmers and distorts under the weight of its intensity, the fiery heavens stretch in a blazing expanse of deep reds and oranges, like molten metal cooled only slightly from its white-hot state.

In the midst of the scorching battleground, Xin donned a guimian mask as he faced an unyielding swarm of creatures, towering like men. Their skin is a mixture of charred black and smoldering red, their very touch radiating waves of intense heat. Jagged spines protrude from its shoulders and spine, resembling the vestiges of forgotten wings. Its mouth, when opened, reveals a maw lined with jagged shards of obsidian-like teeth, each one radiating intense heat.

Above the horde of creatures, a text materialized in the air, displaying the words: "Inferno Emberkin lvl 500."

[Inferno Emberkins: These fiery spirits appear as small humanoid figures made of dancing flames. They emit scorching heat and leave trails of fiery patterns when they move. With ember-like eyes, they launch searing fireballs and their touch inflicts intense burns.]

With a wry smile, Xin quipped, "This achievement shop does come in handy."

He shifted his weight, transitioning from a simple jump to a controlled shuffle, a preliminary warm-up. His movements evolved seamlessly into a poised fighting stance. His feet were spread apart, his lead leg slightly bent, while the back leg angled diagonally for balanced stability.

His arms assumed a protective guard, with his lead hand slightly extended forward and the rear one held closer to his face. His elbows were bent, and above them, a pair of gleaming blades manifested, maintaining a small distance from his skin.

Moving at a breathtaking speed, Xin darted forward, his body a streak of motion as he sliced through anything obstructing his path. In a blur, he materialized at the heart of the fiendish horde. His knees were flexed, and with a graceful spin, he sprang into action. As he soared upward, his elbows extended, and the blades on his forearms glinted menacingly.

The emberkins that surrounded him bore the brunt of his onslaught. With each precise slash of his elbows, they fell to the ground, their forms disintegrating into defeat. Xin's respite was short-lived as a new group of emberkins closed in from behind the fallen foes.

Xin planted his feet firmly into the ground, his weight shifted onto his back foot while the front foot extended slightly.

Xin extended his arms, the intricate motion of his bending elbows akin to a hidden dance. His palms turned inward, and with a swift straightening of his arms, a shockwave of razor-sharp blades erupted outward from his position, a tempest of lethal force cutting through the air.

The waves of blades surged forward, an unstoppable force that impaled the incoming emberkins, skewering them in their tracks. The power of the shockwave mingled with the clash of metal on fiendish hide, rendering the emberkins incapacitated before they could close the distance.

Undaunted by the advancing reinforcements, Xin's movements flowed with the grace and precision of a true martial artist. With a seamless transition from defense to offense, he wove a tapestry of lethal techniques.

As the emberkin reinforcements surged forward, Xin's body became a blur of motion. With each twirl, he conjured a new blade. The blades materialized in a torrent of steel, creating an impenetrable barrier around Xin.

With each fluid motion, he deflected the emberkins' attacks with precision timing. The clash of blades against the fiendish claws created a symphony of sound that reverberated through the battlefield.

The emberkins' attempts to breach his defenses were met with counterattacks. Xin's arms moved with a speed and finesse that seemed almost otherworldly. He parried their strikes with effortless grace.

In a stunning display of martial prowess, Xin executed a spinning kick, his foot making contact with an emberkin's chin. The force of the impact sent the fiend hurtling backward, its form disintegrating as it collided with its companions.

Xin's movements flowed seamlessly from one technique to another, his body a blur of motion as he danced through the battlefield. With a swift sidestep, he evaded an emberkin's lunging attack, his conjured blades slashing through the air in a graceful trajectory.

The emberkins found themselves facing an opponent whose mastery over his blades was matched only by his unparalleled skill in martial arts.

In the distance, a figure stood with a camera in hand, capturing every moment of Xin's relentless assault. "He's so cool," the cameraman marveled, his voice tinged with awe.

Beside the cameraman, a guy with a distinctive bowl cut engaged in a fierce battle against the Emberling Crawlers, lesser creatures swarming around him. "I can't even differentiate who the real monster is," he commented, a mix of amazement and disbelief in his voice.

[Emberling Crawlers: These small arachnid creatures scuttle through the shadows, their bodies adorned with glowing ember-like patterns. They leave behind trails of smoldering embers as they move. With sharp mandibles, they can deliver fiery bites that cause lingering burns.]

The cameraman, an awakener in disguise, smiled knowingly. "Don't be like that. He's genuinely a good person once you get to know him."

The guy with the bowl cut turned his attention to the cameraman. "Do you know him?"

"No, but you'll understand soon enough," the cameraman replied cryptically.

As the bowl cut guy's gaze flickered with uncertainty, an Infernal Streaker—a greater creature known for its incredible agility—charged towards them at breakneck speed. "Watch ou—"

Before the Infernal Streaker could unleash its searing flames, a dagger soared through the air and struck its head. The dagger had been expertly thrown from Xin's position. His arms extended in their direction, guiding the weapon's path.

[Infernal Streaker: a sleek and agile creature that roams the depths of the dungeon. Its body is covered in dark, obsidian-like scales, its limbs are long and sinewy, designed for swift and nimble movement. The creature can emit sudden bursts of searing flames from its scales.]

"See?" he casted a swift sidelong glance towards the bowl cut guy.

"He's done that multiple times, not just for me, but for everyone who shares the same dungeon as him," the cameraman explained.

buzz buzz--

While Xin's gaze remained fixated on his status window, particularly his health points, his hand thoughtfully resting on his chin, a gentle vibration resonated beneath his clothing, signaling an alarm. With ease, he discreetly accessed the small pocket nestled within the chest area of his xiaofu, retrieving his phone.

To awakeners, their attire held a dual purpose – not merely for outward appearances. Whether fashioned from fabric or metal, their garb was imbued with the power to withstand a limited number of non-lethal attacks.

"Look at the time. It seems I've been fooling around long enough," Xin remarked.

Raising his arms skyward, Xin conjured a vast expanse of obsidian luminescence in the heavens. The massive, dark, one-dimensional sphere fragmented into distinct forms, revealing its multitude of bladed edges.

Countless blades descended from the sky with uncanny precision, each following an accurate trajectory. Not a single blade was wasted, each finding its mark with lethal accuracy. In one sweeping motion, every monster in the dungeon met their demise.

Nearby awakeners received a recurring notification: "You have leveled up," but Xin remained exempt from its message.

"Status Window," Xin muttered.

[Awakener]: Dao Xin

[Race]: Undead

[Level]: 100

[Affinity]: Light, Dark

[Class]: Weapon Master


[Health]: 1000000/1000000

[Chaos Power]: 1639/10000

[Strength]: 1000

[Agility]: 1000


[Speed]: 1000

[Perception]: 1000

Attribute Points: 0


1. Qi Flowing Harmony (lvl max)

2. Qi Control (lvl max)

3. Touch of Death (lvl max)

4. Martial Arts Proficiency (lvl max)

5. Weapon Proficiency (lvl max)

6. Steel Blade Arts Physique (lvl max)

7. Creation (lvl 50)

8. Qi Barrier (lvl max)

9. Telekinesis (lvl 50)

Skill Points: 0

[Dark was added to Xin's elemental affinity after the update due to his Class - Weapon Master]

[Getting a second affinity is not rare as it can be acquired after Class acquisition - that is if your current one is unrelated to your class]

[Light - the ability to materialize matter, and use Holy Power]

[Dark - the ability to manipulate matter, space and time]

[Chaos Power - combines qi, mana, and holy power]

[The skills provided by the system are constrained by the user's unique class. In Xin's case, he can only create and manipulate his weapons]

"It seems that my level and attributes are truly at their limit after all," Xin mused. He employed his telekinesis skill to gather the monster cores, placing them into his inventory. Leaving the remaining cores for other awakeners, he was mindful of the level 100 inventory constraint.




Wulong Enchantry Building

88 Arcanum Avenue, Guangming District

The Wulong Enchantry Building, its sleek façade, adorned with neon signs and holographic displays that draw the attention of awakeners. Upon entering the Core Exchange, awakeners find themselves in a high-tech lobby furnished with holographic information terminals, comfortable seating, and service counters.

At the service counters, skilled appraisers equipped with enchanted devices assess the quality, rarity, and properties of the presented monster cores. Advanced scanners and mystical tools provide real-time analysis, ensuring accurate evaluations and fair compensation for awakeners.

On the upper floor, an office housed a black-haired man in a staff uniform, characterized by his thin, slanted brown eyes and tan skin. Seated behind his desk, a sleek plaque bore the inscription: "Head Appraiser: Liu Mingyu." His attention was fixed on a sophisticated high-tech screen that meticulously monitored the activities transpiring below on the exchange floor.

As the door swung open, a figure garbed in an elegant attire resembling ancient Xianya robes stepped in, his face concealed behind a mask. "Ah, it's him," Liu Mingyu noted with recognition. Swiftly, he picked up the telephone on his desk and conveyed instructions to the staff members.

As Xin crossed the threshold into the building, a staff member promptly approached him, exuding a sense of courteous professionalism. With a gesture, the staff member guided him towards the VIP room, ensuring his experience was seamless and welcoming. Inside the building, fellow awakeners exchanged hushed whispers among themselves. "Do you see that? It's Xingchen Zhu," one awakener remarked in awe.

"It can't be a coincidence. He's heading to the VIP room," another person added, the excitement palpable in their voice.

Caught up in the moment, a voice added with a hint of marvel, "I never thought I'd have the chance to see him in person."

Following the staff's lead, Xin traversed a corridor adorned with enchanting artworks that seemed to shift and change with each step. They arrived at an ornate entrance, revealing the VIP Room's opulent interior. Gilded walls exuded an air of elegance, while plush velvet seats beckoned Xin to indulge in comfort. Crystal chandeliers cast a gentle glow, illuminating a mesmerizing aquarium teeming with bioluminescent wonders.

Seated within the lavish embrace of a plush velvet chair, Xin initiated the transaction with ease. A deep, almost mystical darkness manifested on the surface of the glass table, heralding the emergence of a remarkable sight—a pile of 527 rank 3 monster cores, each resonating with a distinct and potent energy, lifted forth from the obsidian void.

As Liu Mingyu observed the scene, a nostalgic smile graced his features. "Look at him now, all grown up. I still remember when he didn't even know how to use his inventory," Liu Mingyu mused, his gaze filled with fond memories.

Lost in his thoughts, Liu Mingyu recalled a time when the core exchange building was far from its current luxurious state. Years ago, it stood as a modest single-story structure with a simple sign displaying its name.

He recollected a specific day when a young boy with unusual red hair and shabby attire stepped into the modest shop. Curiosity mingled with concern as Liu Ming wondered why such a young child would visit a core exchange store, and why his clothes were tattered. His thoughts were interrupted when the boy made his inquiry.

"Pray tell, is this the establishment where one may barter those vivid orbs extracted from the loathsome creatures in exchange for monetary recompense?"

"Yes, indeed. This is the place," Liu Ming responded, his puzzlement evident in his expression. He couldn't help but wonder at the unusual way the child expressed himself.

"Good," the boy nodded. He then revealed a bulk in his shirt, seemingly as if rocks were hidden within, tucking it in tightly with his arms. His gaze fell upon a chair beside the counter.

Climbing the chair with the air of someone on a mission, the boy spilled what appeared to be stones from his shirt. Only, upon closer inspection, Liu Mingyu realized they were actually beast cores. The boy continued to retrieve cores from various places, even from his pockets.

Liu Ming's eyes widened as he examined the cores. "These are all high-quality Rank 1 level 100 cores," he marveled, his voice tinged with disbelief.

"How did you manage to obtain these?" Liu Mingyu asked, his curiosity piqued.

"I have gathered them myself. Fellow awakeners have imparted to me the knowledge that these orbs may be exchanged for monetary compensation," Xin explained with a straightforward demeanor.

Liu Ming's eyes widened even further, his skepticism transforming into sheer incredulity. His gaze darted toward the store entrance, half-expecting to witness the red-haired youngster coerced by thieves or some other force.

Sensing Liu Ming's disbelief, Xin decided to provide a convincing demonstration. He skillfully materialized his daggers, Hui and Huai, in thin air. Liu Ming's reaction shifted between shock and awe.

In that moment, Liu Ming, the appraiser, found himself at a loss for words. His expression froze, unsure of how to react. Despite Xin's occasional hidden outbursts of anger, he remained patient as ever, waiting for Liu Ming to regain his composure.

After a brief pause, Liu Ming resumed his professional demeanor and continued to calculate the total value of the cores without skipping a beat. "These cores amount to 194,000 Yubi," he stated.

Xin inquired, "Would this sum suffice to cover the medical expenses of an individual afflicted by the Nexus trance?" The three years since the portal break had brought widespread knowledge of the phenomenon and its effects on those unfortunate enough to be affected.

"Indeed, it should suffice. I recall the expenses fall within the range of 12,500 to 25,000 Yubi per month," Liu Ming's voice carried a tinge of sorrow, as he considered the potential recipient of the funds. "One can't help but wonder about the identity of that individual. Perhaps a family member—truly, a young soul who must have endured significant hardships"

"I understand," Xin responded softly. In truth, he was seeking ways to earn money to assist Li Si, whose insurance had recently lapsed. Accepting the Yubi he had earned, Xin was ready to take his leave, only to be halted by a sudden question.

"Before you depart, forgive my curiosity. Are you acquainted with the usage of the inventory ?" Liu Ming's inquiry piqued Xin's interest.

"Inventory? Like a storage space? What's that?" Xin responded, intrigued.

Stepping closer, Liu Ming embarked on a patient explanation, guiding Xin on the concept of the inventory. He advised Xin to visualize a space resembling a storage area while thinking of the term "inventory." The conversation delved deeper, revealing that Xin faced similar challenges with using the status window.

Returning to the present, Liu Ming approached the table. His discerning gaze seemed to penetrate the very essence of the cores, likely due to his unique skill. "A collection of Inferno Emberkin cores, ranging from levels 300 to 500, if I'm not mistaken," he observed.

With an enchanted device held delicately in his hand, he meticulously examined the cores, his demeanor unwaveringly composed. "These cores, my dear fellow, are more precious than diamonds," Pausing for effect, he then delivered the culminating assessment. "The value of these cores amounts to an astonishing 105,400,000 Yubi."

As Xin's phone vibrated in acknowledgment, he retrieved it from his pocket to find the confirmation message displayed on its screen: "You have received 105,400,000 Yubi."

The concluding moment arrived as Xin extended his hand, and the appraiser reciprocated with a firm handshake. "We deeply appreciate your patronage," the appraiser intoned. "Rest assured, your privacy remains paramount to us. Should you require our services again, know that you are always welcome."