In the vast expanse of nothingness, where neither light nor darkness dared to tread, there existed a figure, taking the form of a human. This being, of colossal stature, possessed a complexion as dark as the very abyss itself, its resplendent mane of flowing white hair, cascading like luminous streams to its feet, reminiscent of celestial light. Its eyes, in stark contrast to its ebony skin, emitted a radiance akin to the stars.

Alone it dwelled in the expanse, an enigmatic void, at once spacious and confining. An eternity of solitude weighed heavy upon its form. Within this finite space, akin to a cube, it languished for countless eons, until a day arrived when solitude's grip grew too oppressive to bear.

In a tempest of fury, it roared and luminous tears, akin to pearls of light, streamed from its eyes. With a mighty force, it struck the confines of the void, causing fractures and sparks of brilliance, its hair ablaze with a radiance so blinding, it rivaled the most resplendent star. The cube of void shattered, its shards hurtling forth, birthing space itself.

Now within a vaster, more expansive emptiness, the being found itself alone, once more. Its resolve had grown indomitable, and its desire to create surged to the fore. Its luminous hair floated freely, each strand extending into the depths of the universe, weaving reality and existence with its celestial light.

As the being's radiant strands intertwined, particles and unformed matter materialized, shaped and molded by the power of its dark energy. It was then that galaxies, stars, planets, and life emerged, in a magnificent tapestry of creation.

Even as the fabric of existence came into being, their yearning for something persisted. With a final surge of dark energy, like a majestic river flowing through the cosmos, the being forged time and the immutable laws of the universe, safeguarding it from the return to the void.

Yet still, a void persisted—a loneliness that defied the brilliance of stars and the splendor of galaxies. And so, the being, in its last reserve of energy, shaped life in its own image, bringing forth beings that resembled itself.

A smile graced its lips as the last vestiges of its power waned. Its infinite white hair grew shorter, and its once dark form paled to purest white. With closed eyes, it faded into a profound slumber, undisturbed since.

In the midst of the being's desperate quest to conquer the abyss, it inadvertently gave rise to omnipotent beings, each symbolizing a facet of its grand creation. 

"There were seven of them"---

In the faintly illuminated chamber, a pair of eyes stirred from slumber. Their lashes, the color of pure gold, fluttered as they revealed piercing blue irises. At first, his sight blurred, gradually recognizing the surroundings. A moment of realization widened his eyes, prompting him to sit up in shock.

With quick, deep breaths, he scanned the area, finding his teammate, Huomei, in a similar state, as if emerging from a prolonged dream. As the spectrum of colorful light danced in their surroundings and casted intricate patterns upon the fabric of their clothes, the two were in a daze for a brief moment.

Zhen Yu's eyes widened, and couldn't help but burst forth. "Well, what in the world was that?"

Huomei, her demeanor unfazed, suddenly perked up and hastened toward Zhen Yu. "What do you mean?" Her genuine curiosity shone through her composed expression.

Zhen Yu nodded enthusiastically, a spark of wonder in his eyes. "It felt like I'd stepped into some kind of dream, but it was so vivid, too real to be a dream. I mean, it was like I was right there, living the story as it played out before me."

His excitement was palpable as he continued, "It was, without a doubt, the most breathtaking experience of my entire life—"

But before he could finish his sentence, Huomei interjected eagerly, her interest clearly piqued. "What was the story about?"

Zhen Yu leaned in as he began to recount his extraordinary experience. "Well, it all began in the dark, and then, out of nowhere, this unbelievably massive giant-like figure appeared. As the story unfolded, it felt as if I'd been transported into some sort of 3D or maybe 4D sci-fi movie."

"You've mentioned that already," Huomei interjected, her patience waning.

"Alright, alright, I'll keep it straight," Zhen said, clearing his throat to set a more solemn tone. He then continued...."And as the story unraveled by itself, I heard this, well, it wasn't exactly a voice; it was more like words flowing directly into my mind. It was like a poem, and what's even weirder is how vividly I remember the verses..."

He paused to clear his throat once more and began to recite the lines of the poem, his eyes focused and intent:

"In the vast void where light hath never tread, A figure took the form of man," he said. "Colossal, dark as night, with hair agleam, Resembling stars, a celestial dream," he continued, amazed at his own recollection.

The recitation continued as Zhen Yu delved into the poem:

"Ensnared within a cube of solitude's embrace, Enduring in timeless isolation's chase. But on a fateful day, it burst the chain, With tears like pearls, it shattered the domain."

Here, Zhen Yu grew self-conscious, scratching his head. "Well, you get the idea..."

To his surprise, Huomei took a deep breath and picked up where he left off, reciting the remaining verses of the poem. Zhen Yu soon realized they'd shared the same dream.

"In an expanse vaster, it did soar, Its solitude it could bear no more. With boundless will, a fire of creation's flare, Its hair, a cosmic tapestry, laid bare."

"Strands of light wove particles and form, Dark energy molded worlds, creating the norm. Galaxies, stars, life's intricate grace, Formed by the weaver's divine embrace."

"Yet still, a void, a yearning deep, did throng, Despite their grandest song. And so, it forged beings in its own guise, To fill the void and end its lonesome cries."

"A smile upon its lips, the last of its might, As power faded, once dark, now pure and white. In slumber deep, it bid the world goodnight, With these beings, its creation's light."

Together, they concluded in unison, "There were seven of them."

A profound silence enveloped them as they grappled with the weight of their discovery. After a moment, Zhen Yu broke the silence. "Holy shit, I think we've just stumbled upon something that no human has ever even dreamed of."

"Agreed... the poem might be elusive, but the visions within those dreams were crystal clear," Huomei responded.

She lowered her voice, whispering, "And then there's that intriguing line, 'There were seven of them.' It seems to reference the Celestials, but how could there be seven? The drifters' accounts from other worlds only mention six: Aequilus, Chronos, Heliora, Umbraeth, Morpheus, and Aetherius."

Zhen probed further, "Does that mean the entire tale of the cosmic weaver and the void devourer was entirely fabricated?"

Huomei considered. "I doubt it. If we compare the narrative the government has publicized with what we've discovered, there are significant similarities. I believe the story we know might just be missing crucial elements."

"It's almost unbelievable that we've set foot in a place brimming with such immense knowledge, and on top of that, we're the first to uncover its mysteries. And it's all because of that guy with the weird clothing-" Zhen said before his expression shifted.

"Where's Xin?" Zhen blurted out.