the bogeyman

Sun An is waking up in a good mood today. He is looking for a sweet beauty in his side and a luxurious house. The only thing left for him to acquire is the power to put the icing on top. 

He needs to secure his position as the leader and beat those lousy Vito Mancuso. He must be busy tackling the problem.

He is sitting on his bed and turning on his television. In the news, there is no news regarding the land sliding due to the tremor. Sun An makes sure to pin it out toward the Man corporation who has its share of projects on the mountain.

Apparently, there is no news on all the television. He is getting unhappy and reaching for his phone. 

"Why is not on the news? Why is the government not lurking and breathing down into his neck?" Sun An is asking his right-hand man with a stern voice.