Hello Janet how are you doing
How are you doing
I am doing good thank you.
Decided instead of the piercings because the piercings are getting infected and causing problems for me that I was going to start wearing make up as well as it to express my religion my hair jobs instead of actually going around with a bunch of metal in my face that could get infected at any time. This is a new thing for me yes. But I am very interested in learning how to use make up and learning how to wear it and actually not have to have an annoying earring in my lip or something. You might not know this but I pulled a prank I call it a prank because it was something stupid when I want to pierce my medusa with a thumbtack and decided that was the end of that after I got infected with a staphylococcus infection and you're sorry that I wasn't gonna bother with piercings anymore. Sorry sorry I was going to do nail polish and make up and stand just the lipstick. And then of course tattoos are we getting tattoos done. In the coming times of Covid screw Covid will ever come.
So that's fine are you sorry to wear lipstick was when I was in the emergency room and had a problem with my medusa piercing now I've learned my lesson now it's just lipstick and nail polish for me and if I wanna express my religion I went to hijab.
As far as the haters are concerned..... I can but up a good fight.
I also turned my book series indoor compilation of the box and do a hardcover and paperback book which I'm very proud of called bruises letters.
Hope to hear from you soon