Hello Janet how are you doing.
I'm not doing too well I want to a wellness group and then God called the sand Nager notice that I change the name and the spelling because of the sand Nager word in fact I was very irate that I was called towel head and sand Nager that I was fed up and left the meeting I made three complains 1 mile complained one medium level complain and then I actually want as far as the say that I was going to sue them for racial and religious Insensitivity and I was getting really pissed off. I don't know why people are blaming the Muslims in the Asians for this freaking virus. But it's got to stop before I lose my cool and snap particularly as someone who's going to call me a bad name. So that was my day and My day in a nut shell. I will be talking to my mental health worker about this tomorrow as I am royally mad and pissed off with this. I don't like it when people have to blame others for Miss fortunes it or not really there anyone else is freaking problems.
Hope to hear from you soon