Fizza shrugs and leaves. You quickly put away the letter and put on your town clothes before heading out the door. Moments later, you walk up to the road where Fizza is waiting.

"So, what do we need?" you ask when you reach her.

Fizza counts off with her fingers as she remembers each item on the list. "Grains for Roja, Kelton left his breastplate with the blacksmith for repairs, and supplies for a feast to celebrate afterward."

"Feast? What if he loses?"

"Then we'll drown our sorrows in food, wine, and mead. Anyway, I better take care of the breastplate. Don't want you dropping it. You can get Roja's grains. They usually sell them at The Inn's stables. Then I can meet you there, and we can buy the drinks and go to the market for food together."