10 final

Hey, Adriano, you still offering that staff lesson?"

Adriano looks up from his drink. "Huh? Oh, yeah, I suppose we can do that if you don't mind practicing in the stables."

Fizza snorts. "People are gonna talk if they see a squire playing with sticks in the stables."

"Let them," you say.

Adriano takes you out to the stables and runs you through the basics of how to hold a staff, the proper stance, and swiping and jabbing attacks.

"The strengths of the staff are reach and surprise," Adriano explains. "You can use a quarterstaff at its full length with just a slight motion. You can also use either end to strike, and you can sweep an opponent's feet. A sword can't do any of those things. Go on and try to catch me off guard."

Adriano pauses. "I-well, I mean, yeah. I like you well enough, if that's what you're-" he's cut off by your swift movement.

His face is comically red as he looks at your staff next to his head and down its length to your grinning face.

"You got me," he laughs.

Your tactics are unconventional, but El Cano should appreciate the results.

The two of you keep practicing all through the afternoon. You're sure plenty of townsfolk and gossips see you, but the thought hardly enters your mind. Having fulfilled your assignment, you look around and realize the light is quickly fading. You were so focused on the task at hand that you didn't realize how much you were squinting just to see. And you still need to mail the assignment. You better hurry before there's no light left at all.