Another horn sounds, and the men from the right side, the Horses, charge. You noticed the left side, the Griffins, charge as well, but they're much more organized and make sure they stay close together. They soon form a semi-circle facing the enemy. When the right side charges, one of the eager aggressors runs further ahead than his comrades. He quickly engages in combat with the left defenders and finds himself surrounded. He's quickly put down. The fighting continues until only one side remains standing, which happens to be the left side, the Griffins. Two of their men have fallen, but all in all, they're mostly intact. A few watchers boo; this is certainly one of the quicker arena battles you've seen. Usually, it's chaotic, with men having individual duels throughout the arena. People often want to make a name for themselves, as this is the most common way to get into the single matches. It seems the left team decides to use a different strategy instead. You find the Griffins to be…