
It was evening. The most ordinary evening. The fish swam in crystal clear water. The coral reef stretches in shallow water near the shore. If you looked closely, you could see the dim colors of coral. The variety of shapes and colors was enough to make the eyes start to run away from such an incredible landscape. An egg lay on one of the red corals.

The egg suddenly stirred. With a clattering sound, a blue fish came out of it. This fish resembled a small "Panama Ghost Catshark". The difference, by the way, was small. Only the color was different. It was dark blue. By the way, this color is called "Navy". It reminds me of a cat with a straw hat.

After hatching, this small shark swam to the algae and began to bite them with its razor-sharp teeth.

Yes, you heard everything right. The first thing I did was eat algae. To be honest, I almost died of starvation. It's good that mana regenerates quickly, and I have good control. I just connected to the coral and took the nutrients from there.

And now I'm stuffing my stomach. It is difficult to eat algae with these teeth. And to swallow them, it is almost impossible. * Secretly, I'll tell you that in sharks, the tongue is practically and theoretically - it's scenery *.

But no one bothered to prescribe seaweed mana. I also digest them.

While I ate, I checked my environment from time to time with manalocation. We can say that it's just marinating mana because I have as many as six sensations, but no ...

It is best to reinsure. Who knows, maybe my opponents will still be able to get unnoticed through all my feelings.

After eating, I swam back to the Coral Reef, dived to the bottom, closed in the sand, and fell asleep.

You knew it was a very common myth that sharks had to move to breathe. They can sleep peacefully in the sand and nothing will happen to them. But it's right for some species of sharks. There are usually fewer of them, and yet they are.

Sharks do not have ordinary gills. To breathe, they suck water into their mouths and pass it through their gills. The second way of breathing is constant movement. Instead of absorbing water, the water itself passes through the gills.

Another common myth is that sharks can swim back. Eh, horrors ... Answer: no they can't. Only forward, only gas, only "Need for Speed". This is not a horror for you, Mr. Stephen.