Yandere sisters kill the sluts

[Amanda POV]

Grabbing the blond bitch hair dragging her through the floor as she was bloodied up by me.

"Lora you done with that bitch?"



Lora cracked the skull of the girl with a pipe. Which she just grabbed it from the room they were in now the black hair girl with heavy make up died. Her head leaking blood same thing with her huge cuts on her body which is everywhere.

"Great job sis!", proud of Lora killing that slut who is nothing but a nuisance .

"What about the other other two sluts? Can I kill them!", Lora said with excitement who's words that she spoke out loud made the one being pulled by the hair and the other who is tied up with ropes not being able to move and with tape on her mouth.

"N-N-No P-Please! What did I do to y-you!?", the girl pleaded for her life as she was dragged then punched in the gut.


"trash aren't allowed to speak but I'll give you the answer you had touched and tried to take away my brother with force.....Unforgivable!!!!!!!", the last word I spoke was me speaking out of furiousness and anger.

The blonde hair girl cried as she was fearing for her life those tears of her streaming down her bruised face from all the abuse she has taken.

Seeing her crying, I just couldn't hold it and slit her throat as she flopped down to the floor with blood spewing's from her neck as her eyes turned lifeless. Seeing her dead made me nod in satisfaction as her cries and pleas were annoying.

Lora grabbed the tied up rich girl and slammed her head right on the floor putting her in a kneeling position. As tear started to leak out of the corner of her eyes ready to burst emotionally broken from the abuse too.

"Sluts like you don't ever deserve to get close, speak, touch my brother he is only ours!", Lora hisses at her as she ferociously beats her up with her tiny fist in the face and everywhere. The rich girl couldn't even defend herself from the crazy imouto yandere who is giving severe beatings. As her eyes were emotionless giving out the beating to the restrained girl.

Watching this with amusement seeing the tied up girl cry and tried to wiggle her way out of her predicament but to no avail it was an impossible dream.

"Bring me the knife Amanda"

Hearing my sisters request, I do so and bring her the knife in my pocket giving it to her.


"Anytime sis"

Lora having the knife in hand as she twirled with it the frightened girl in the floor had leaked out yellow liquids beneath her as she stains her panties and the floor with her liquids. The horrible stench, odor can be smelled with in the room. As, Lora pinched her nose with the horrible smell she was smelling currently.

I smelled it too, that horrible stench and couldn't help pinch my nose because it was bad and made me glare at the culprit in the ropes. Now it made me want to kill her now but Lora was going to do it first.

"Such horrible smell you had to piss right here and now....just die", with that Lora plunged the knife in her mouth and made a mess as she twisted and turned the knife killing her as she lost blood quickly.

Both of us now covered in blood as Lora killed the last one made me want to take a shower.

"Lets go sis, brother must be waiting for us"

"Shower first then our brother we shall cuddle with", agreeing with her but telling her that we should shower before we cuddle with brother since he might not like our smell. We're covered in blood that's for sure a lot.


Vasco was training as his mother and Carole haven't came back yet so they're still outside shopping. Same thing with Amanda and Lora who said were coming back in a couple of hours which have passed at least about six hours. Vasco was doing one arm push ups doing ten sets of thirties. Sweat dripping down his face and his body too. Covered in sweat as he was doing his intense exercise that would get his old body back and probably become more stronger. Worried about them but they're smart to not be involved in any danger.



Hearing the door open as Vasco got up from his position and saw his sisters Amanda and Lora come in.

"What happened to you girls.....why are you girls covered in blood stains? Where have you been", Interrogating them as, Vasco thought it was blood and for sure it was blood on their clothes. But they denied his questions they didn't tell the truth.

"It's just ketchup brother nothing much we got a quick snack and we spilled some on us"


Vasco didn't believe them for sure knowing that it was blood but for now he went with their words and acted oblivious. Lora made eye contact with Amanda as she thanked her without speaking words they understood each other.

"Take a shower because you girls smell", Vasco pinched his nose with his one hand smelling the bad odor coming from them his hunch was correct. The two sisters of his killed people in the last few hours and ketchup would smell different as well look slightly different. He can easily discern what blood looks like to anything that's red like ketchup.

They left to go take a shower as they bought his oblivious act. He can see through them as he can't be deceived these girls were naive when it came to him. Well he that's because right now he is only his young self but his experience of assassination and other things is unmatched. Though he will train them to become stronger to be able to put up against people stronger than them. Those who know martial arts and the old martial arts. Which Vasco remembered an old man that thought him a certain martial arts which was hard to learn he was graceful to even teach him and train him. Vasco wonders what that old geezer is doing probably drinking and trying to pick up young girls.

That old man loves to flirt even though girls won't ever pay attention to him or be creeped out since he is old. Vasco sat on the couch leaning back relaxing his muscles as he heavily sighed thinking of his sisters. Those two are killers now it seems that their dark side is emerging from within they're becoming more and more dangerous. Knowing that they killed the girls that hit on him because that's the only conclusion that Vasco came up with. They must have seen what they did harassing him. They sure will be something when he trains them it makes him slightly shiver as he trained that wife of his. Who became really strong as she was second to him when it came to fighting and killing.

He feels like he is molding them to him a killing machine but knowing that they will not kill unless needed to. But it would be worst with them as Yanderes he hopes that his other sister doesn't become like that or especially his mother. If they did he would have to embrace it because when that happens as they become yandere on you. Their is no running away from it only to fully embrace it. Vasco couldn't help but message his head as his future will be no easy thing to overcome the obstacles that obstruct his way.

Vasco smiles as he think of his old master.


"Achoo! Is something talking about me? *hic* must be my imagination *hic* Come ladies*hic*", A senile old man was chasing woman at a bar as they tried to escape his sights.

"Old fart watch where you're going stop harassing, stop making the girls run this time I'll beat you up", A tall well built man who looked intimidating as many people around the area know him as a great fighter someone who they shouldn't piss off and mess with.

The old man just snorted at him making the man grit his teeth.

"Youngsters these days.....*hic* you should be *hic* properly disciplined *hic*", the man threw a fast punch which would knock the living lights out of anyone but the old man just side stepped it. He knew it was coming towards him it was slow for his taste.



The man didn't even see what happened to him as he then was seeing everything turn dark. Those onlookers that saw the scene before them the utter shock they are having was that of disbelief. The old man left with a grumpy attitude as his day of picking up chicks was ruined.

"*hic* Brats *hic* shooing away the woman from me *hic*"


Poor girls that died sikeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Old man has to live life to the fullest!