Side story: Christmas with the sisters and the brother

Couple months back then were Amanda, Lora and Carole are now yandere's after the incident they're in december right now


Vasco was outside hanging with his sisters for today as they had a weekend of break since it's Christmas and he was outside with his coat on along side with his family. As for Latina she was busy with her friends since she never hangs out with them since she had to overwork herself when supporting them.

'It's better if she stays with her friends for today not like I'm sad neither are my sisters as they all agreed with my idea and let her go with them since she has taken care of us for so long she couldn't meet her friends for a long time, we do got tomorrow for now I'll be with my sisters'

Vasco turns as he feels a tap on his shoulder.


"Lets all go see the big christmas tree and the firework that they would start blowing them up to the sky!", Lora excitedly pulled Vasco but was stopped by Carole as she grabbed Lora by the scruff as she stopped her in her tracks.

"Lora, you do know that the event doesn't start at 7pm"

"Wait?.....It does?", Lora tilted her head cutely, as she is clueless thinking that it would start right now.

"You're clueless sometimes Lora", Amanda sighed knowing that Lora tends to forget and not pay attention to things except Vasco related.

"Hmph! I remember things perfectly", Lora pouted as she sharply turned her head to the right as she bloated her cheeks.

"There, there it's fine", Vasco patted her head calming her down as she blushed and mewled as she were a cat under his pats.

"Mooooore~", Lora was in heaven these pats are godlike!

The other two watching them as he smiles down on her sweetly. They pouted themselves wanting to be giving pats too.

"Lets go eat instead are you girls hungry?"

"Hai!", all three responded as they went to a nice restaurant to go eat.

Going to a restaurant they picked one that sold Italian food. They chatted with each other reminiscing about the past talking about school and how life was. After they finished eating they left the restaurant paying the waiter a big tip which is 5k dollars.

The waiter saw them leave as he went to the table they sat at he saw the money it was a lot to much. His eyes widened in surprise he was shocked then he grabbed the little note on top of the stack of cash.

[Take it me and my family had a good time]

The waiter cried as he tried to wipe his face but those tears kept coming down and many of his friends which are his co-workers came to him to check on him.

"I can finally pay for my mothers hospital bills", muttered the waiter as he was happy to be able to do get this weight off his chest. He can finally pay for the doctors to treat his mother of her disease.

Now to the family that are satisfied with food they ate roaming around the streets.

"Brother", Carole called out to Vasco


"Lets go so the fireworks and the big christmas tree!"

"Yeah lets go big brother!", Cheerfully Lora added to the conversation.

"I'm excited to see the event unfold big brother", Amanda lips turned in a happy smile.

"Lets go then", Vasco and the three left to go see the event which is in thirty minutes. They went and arrived to the event as the winter flakes fall from the sky making the scene around them beautiful. Many people are surrounding the big tree couples, friends, family all here to witness some fireworks and of course the big tree that has a lot of ornaments attached to it that has yet to be lighten up.

But even though the couples already have each other the men can't help but ogle at Vasco's sisters as they for sure are the most beautiful girls they have laid eyes on in their life. Of course each guy got their waist pinch by their girlfriend or wife as they gave them ugly glares making them scared.

Couple minutes passed as they silently huddled together. As the tree lit up brightly it looked marvelous with it's light everyone 'wow' as they were mystified with the tree lights. Fireworks now starting blowing up the sky making the sky and the glowing christmas tree lights looks so much more better, mesmerizing. This were many couples looked at each others eyes and leaned down to kiss each other and for families to smile brightly mostly the little kids having their fun.

"What do you wa-"

*Bang* bang*

Before Vasco could asked them what they wanted for Christmas as a present gunshots started going off. Everyone screamed in panic and fear running around like headless chickens trying to hide from the incoming bullets coming their way. Some died and got their head blown off and some were injured in the leg having bullets wounds in their legs. Vasco turned serious pulling out two pistols which designs are that of golden dragons customized by an expert designer of guns.

*bang* bang*

Vasco started shooting at the people tracing where the bullets came from. The rest of the sisters took cover near behind a building. Amanda threw her guitar case to the ground pulling out her rifle which is sometimes always different everyday but no one knows except her own family. Putting on attachments really quickly to her gun as the attachments never are on the gun since they have a spot to be put in the case.

*Click* click*


Amanda finished transforming her gun into a menacing one with those attachments with flawless movement of her hands. Carole pulled out her katana hidden beneath her clothes and Lora pulled out her daggers.

They trained themselves in these weapons of theirs not yet to be a master of them but getting there.

[A/N: Don't question how she hid a katana within her clothes as It's a novel which would have magic but that's later on and it is a yandere novel you do know how yandere's sometimes be pulling out the wackiest, scariest shit beneath their clothes]

"Amanda cover me and Lora as we go to their direction"

"On it I can see that theirs more of them hidden in different places"

"Same but we'll let big brother handle them while we handle the other lot"

"Mmm!", Amanda started peeking through the corner as she knew where the bullets came from and started to shoot towards the enemies position. Lora and Amanda rushed at an incredible speed as they have an amazing athletic body and with all that harsh training it does miracles to them.

*bang* bang* bang*

Vasco was hidden behind another building taking cover from the incoming bullets. Seeing his sister rush towards another batch of shooters. This is the first trial of real combat against others when it comes to shooting. Since they all fought others but in hand to hand combat not with people against guns. Vasco not loosing focus he shot at the enemies hidden behind the top of a building. His cold eyes already analyzed the whole place detecting about twenty enemies. They come to kill them since well Vasco is quite the wanted in the underworld.

Lora got close to one of the shooters and as he noticed her about to shoot her. lora threw her dagger at him.


Coming at him at an incredible speed it hit him in the eye as he screamed in pain. Dropping his gun trying to take out the dagger in his eye with both hands. Lora catch up to him and slit his throat cleanly as he collapses down to the ground.

*thud* thud*

Carole in a few steps jumps on top of building using the walls of two buildings as her stepping stones to get there. The shooters aimed at her already seeing her where she would come up but they were surprised that a girl like her was able to do that. So they hesitated but Carole used that to her advantage coming at them with just a couple of steps being feet apart from each other. Already in their face Carole glances at them with her cold eyes slicing their heads in half. Blood spurted everywhere staining the ground and her katana. Two shooters shot at her as she grabbed a body using it as shield and taking cover behind a chimney. She could deflect bullets but two automatic rifles coming at her would be leading her to her death. Knowing her limits just like the others who know their limits and when to stop. She could deflect bullets but from a pistol.

*bang* bang*

Amanda seeing the situation her sister was she quickly shot bullets towards the two shooters that were shooting at her. Killing them which Amanda knowing who did it smiled at her and giving her a thumbs up which Amanda smiled with a nod.

Lora was behind a couple shooters who had no clue she was behind them. She was a master in stealth she used the shadows to her advantage as the armed men were inside the store shooting from there. She slashed one as the others didn't notice but one spoke.

"Madgo pass me some ammo running low"

"madgo?", Another armed guy spoke his name then he turned seeing his buddy dead but as he was about to shout he died with daggers sticking out of his chest. Lora killing him quickly then moved on the last one as she gazed at him with those cold eyes like she was looking at trash.

"Interrupting my time with big brother and my sisters unforgivable!"

Lora stabbed him in the head killing him an in instant.

Amanda had killed many hiding in some buildings that were shooting on high floors.

"hmph! pieces of trash trying to ruin the mood with my family and brother"

Carole having many bodies surrounding her as she brung down her katana down to someone who was squirming under her foot.

"N-N-No please!"



"Trying to kill my dear brother and sisters think gain scums", Spitting those words with venom and spitting on their dead bodies

The family wrapped up as they left the scene.

"What do you girls want for dinner?"

"I want chicken, white rice, pupusas", Amanda told what she wanted for dinner.

"Me too!", Lora agreeing with her.

"I want some pasta"

"Ok but let me call mom to come join us since it's been already 5 hours for us being together maybe she is hungry"

"Ok", the three nodding their heads wanting their mother to join them to celebrate them. As she got up early and went to hang out with her friends. Vasco glanced at the badge he picked up from the dead body of one of the enemies. It had the design of a snake coiling around two swords engraved on top of the badge. Vasco smirked knowing who it was they will suffer all of them.