Arriving at America and yandere stare down

[Anya POV]

Finally at America getting out of the airport as we had already gotten out of the plane now outside. With Bela having both our luggage's in both handles in her hands. Since the luggage's are big but her strength is no problem. Normal men wouldn't be able to carry them and they would have an extremely hard time to push them.

They see a woman come out of a nice looking BMW who had a black uniform who bowed to us. Knowing it was a woman to give us this car since I made arrangements before coming here.

"Lady Anya and Lady Bela here is the car you requested"

"Good job you can go now"

Bela spoke with authority as the woman nodded and left leaving the scene with Bela now putting the luggage's in the trunk and opening the door for me. Getting in with a nod appreciating her work, still having stares on me even when getting into the passenger seat of the car. Not like it's the first same goes for Bela who just gets into the drivers seat. We drive off heading to a direction of our new temporary house. Because a Mansion is to much it's better a house since right now even the location of where he exactly 'lives' is hard to find even Bella has a hard time.

"Anya how would you like to plan to meet up with him?"

"It's better if we can host a party it's been months since the last time I saw him...."

Couldn't help but my mind wonder about his face and everything about him again and gain. Just having a daydream of him making my heart slowly thump faster imagining what would happen if we get close.

"Daydreaming again Anya"

"Yes well lets go to our house then we should make a plan"

"As you wish"

Bela drove all the way to their temporary home which is about 2 hours away.\





We settle down in our new home with Bela tidying up the place and our rooms we are going to sleep in. Really grateful for that, i did help though only a bit but Bela shooed me away since she wanted to do it herself.

"Bela help me investigate about any important upcoming parties that 'he' would participate in"


Bela left to do her work.

-----------weeks later-------

In a beautiful dress to show of myself to only one person in the whole party. It was Vasco the boy that couldn't be left out of my mind.....and here he is.

Just his whole presence and the way he presents himself makes me so drawn towards him. My very being is screaming to be bond with him or something 'more'. I don't know but it's not annoying but curiosity about why do I feel this way.

Many rich people were talking to each other getting in good terms to build a business relationship

"May I be able to have some of your time beautiful"

A rich .brat tried to have some of my time.....

How despicable a piece of trash like this thing is nothing but a waste of my time.

"Back off or bare the consequences of bothering my mistress"

Bela's cold voice sounded behind the brat who widened and stumbled backwards as he almost fell off but got his balance. Running away with his tail between his legs when he saw those cold piercing eyes baring into his soul like he was looking at Antarctica.

"Thanks Bela"


Bela eyes then landed on Vasco as she gave out a low 'tsk' of how it had to be a boy. As he was with three girls who are extremely beautiful. Though knowing it was the sisters of Vasco they're all all related. Then she vanished in the shadows but one thing for sure she felt like she could be seen by him the moment she hid in the shadows to watch out for her mistress. It made her vary wary of him to instantly take action if she sees any bad intentions towards Anya.


Seeing Bela disappear into the shadows as she wasn't spotted by other people. But my eyes landed on him and seeing three beautiful girls smiling cheerfully with him. Like they are having fun with him enjoying him all for themselves. It made my heart hurt.

Am I feeling jealous of them?

Is this anger i'm feeling because of someone is having fun with the person I want to be close to?

Never have I had these feelings but this is a first.

I don't like this feeling...

I don't like girls surrounding him not one bit. Other females surrounding him as they talk to him and try to get chummy with him while they touch him all over. Making my stomach churn as, I clench my fist and grit my teeth. Even if they're his sisters just them being near him makes me jealous and angry. One thing when seeing their faces as they're close to him they might like him more than just a brother. But I need to see that with my own eyes just that my intuition is telling me that they are dangerous and for sure would be an obstacle in my way for getting Vasco.

Minutes pass everyone chats up I just wait until getting my chance of talking to him while he is alone without his sisters around. Which is now so, i go up to him while he is looking around to grab a bite to eat.

"Hello Vasco"

"Huh?....It's you!"

Vasco eyes widened in surprise when seeing me it made me giggle.

"It's good to see you Vasco"

"Hello Anya"

He composed himself as he smiled charmly which made my heart flutter.

"May I have some of your time?"

"Yes I have a lot to spare"


Can't contain the excitement in my voice but can keep a composed face in front of him.

"So what is that you would like to talk to me about"

"By any chance would you tell how you got this far?"

Wanting to talk to him it was a bit nerve racking for me since he is right here in front of me. My heart is not even slowing down it's beating rapidly but I ignore it.

"I got ideas going in my mind and just testing it out with the help of my family since this company was to support myself and them"

This was something I knew that Vasco was actually poor alongside his family only having their mother to support them.

"So let me tell you....if you don't mind", Vasco coughed not wanting to try sound boring.

"It's fine tell me it all"

"Then it all started"

Time passed and hearing everything from his mouth was like a cool story of how he got here it shocked me. Him having the idea of gucci a brand of clothes other than "Polo" or other clothe brands. He and his family are together in the business to make themselves even richer and influential.

"Thank you for listening"

"it's my pleasure and an honor to hear your story"

I smiled as hearing a story of himself made me intrigued to what else he could think about.

"Oh and how do you know how to fight?"

"I'm self taught"

Self taught!?

That's bizarre because Bela is highly trained person to be my bodyguard and I hired people to train her so she can learn new moves, techniques and other things. Which she did as she was a natural learning to defend herself and attack. She had a monster talent that's for sure as no one ever got an upper hand against her but Vasco did without much effort. Even Bela admitted it to me one day, confessing it all of how he was strong as she could see it in her eyes and sense it.

"Well I did get help but that's another story"

Someone taught him to fight?

Interesting....I want to know so much more but he won't of course say anything since I'm not close to him in that way.

"Well would y-"

"Big brother~"

"Lora slow down"

"You can't show yourself like this act mature"

Lora hugged Vasco as they were in the sidelines with little peopel but some stares at them and mostly in jealousy of Vasco. Being surrounded with four beauty's that would shake the world.

"hmph, big brother loves the way I'm right~?"


"See~ Big brother is the best"

Lora buried her head into his chest and rubbed her head there. While the other tried to pry her off from him ignoring one person existence.

I couldn't help but feel my eyes twitch because of these girls ignoring me and being all chummy with him right in front of me.

In front of me!

Literally doing this on purpose as they ignore me!

Then one of them looks me giving me a cold stare deadly stare.

"Right! I haven't introduced you yet but this is Anya a girl I saved a while back remember?"

"Oh you did tell us you saved someone"

"I thought it was a boy instead it was a girl"

"Well she is the one"

They all three looked at me with cold gazes and I knew what those meant.

"I'm Anya it's nice to meet you three"

I smiled still not showing a discomfort since these girls are trying to make me show an ugly sight right in front of him.

"I'm Carole first sister"

"I'm Amanda second sister"

"And I'm lora third sister"

Already knowing all of them but I brung out my hand to try to shake theirs. Which they did we all smiled at each other.

"It's time now we have to go now Anya it's good seeing you"

"Likewise can I invite you to dinner for some time to properly thank you?"

"Sure I don't mind and here this is my number you can text me or call me anytime though I'm always busy Monday's to Wednesdays so I might not respond"

"ok that's fine"

"Great see ya later"

"you too!"

I was squealing mind having in my hand his phone number which I would definitely use all the time. To at least strike up conversations and even see if I can get some alone time with him as we meet together in different places.

"lets go girls"


Vasco was leaving all I could see is his broad back slowly leaving towards the exit. But one thing snapped me out of my state was that all three of his sisters were not leaving their place. They stared at me with those deadly, cold eyes. As they emit a dark around which their faces are slightly twisted. They were lovely, warm and happy one second ago but now they showed their true colors to me. I didn't back away from their looks not fearing such gazes from them. Smirking at them knowing that these girls fear I would steal him.

"You bitch are you trying to seduce our big brother...."

Lora spoke coldly with her icy cold voice.

"What are you talking about I just wanted to thank him for saving me"

"Stay away from him or bare the consequences"

Amanda spouted venom as she didn't want Anya to get close to him so did the others.

"And who are you to tell me what to not do just because you're his sisters that doesn't mean you can control his life as he is someone that won't be bounded by no one"

"You bitch!"

Carole grabbed both Amanda and Lora's scruff as something landed right in their place and it was knife's. Someone came behind Anya seeing a girl in a maid outfit who had couple of knifes in her hands with her serious look. Those cold calculative eyes are looking at them ready to attack if they make a move. The three sisters were amazed they couldn't detect her but Carole slightly did and she saved them from a bad injury. One thing crossing the sister's mind was that she was definitely strong. As they stared into each others eyes without backing down no flinch or whatsoever.

All four emitting terrifying aura's as they gave each other the 'I'll kill you if you move' look which would terrify anyone if they looked at them. Electricity could be seen sparking to one another if that was even possible.

"Calm down lets not make a commotion you two and as for you....."

I was pointed at by Carole who snarled at me as she spat vulgar words at me.

"You fucking whore shouldn't get even close to him only us can and if you do, you're dead and so is your maid"

"You're letting them go!? Lets kill them"

"I agree with Lora lets do it"

"calm down you two lets go we can't keep our big brother waiting.....I'm watching you slut"

Carole dragged away both sisters from me seeing them go it made me smile to win this little 'fight'.


"Yes Mistress?"

"They're strong aren't they"

"Indeed but I can take all three of them"

I smiled at that it seemed that these girls are stronger than they look.

"Well it seems it would be hard for me to even try to get close to him but it won't be much of a challenge"

Honestly seeing them clash off as they look at each other murderously made me now have a firmer decision to have Vasco teach me how to fight. Since he is stronger than Bela and which made her dissatisfied to even try to get trained by him. Well I'll see him when I call him for our dinner date.


It's more like a date

I love it!

"Mistress you want to go?"

"Yes nothing else is important here"
