The Date



[Lora POV]

Can't believe that bitch!

Big brother went to go see her it makes me mad!

...Should I punish him?

No, he is way too strong for even the three of us even if he trained us personally. Even if mother joined into the fray, he could take us all on. But he really went on a date with her.

"Just walking back in forth won't help Lora"

"I know but...."

"Big brother did say he didn't want us to follow him.....", Amanda voice trailed off.

"But he is going to be with her and what about that maid!? Those two working together can steal our big brother away!"

I didn't like it as both of them were beautiful girls that would make Big brother interested. Making me nervous, anxious if he tried to stay with them instead of us.



Rubbing my head as, I felt a hand hit my head.

"Calm down Lora our big brother wouldn't leave us for them and by the way he has done 'it' with our mother how could he leave us and first of all he loves us dearly you should know that with how he is with us", Carole berated me seeing her face as she was blasting me with angry words.

Slightly calming down but having these unease thoughts what if that bitch tried to jump on him and take him somewhere private.


"Ow! not again!"

"I feel you, i want to grab that bitch's throat and show her who she shouldn't get close to", Carole snarled already imagining what she would do to her.

"Mhm, I do too", Amanda added as she had a dark look on her.

"Fine but you really don't want to make sure?"

I wanted to bring them in with me, since I won't let them be by themselves. Bringing my daggers with me just in case I need to cleave the throat of that bitch.



Both were quite but I knew they won't let our big brother be by himself with a girl that could try and do something bad to him.

"Let's go we'll join you", Carole made up her mind she knew it was better to follow. How could she let some random skank try and get close to him. What was she thinking? Carole nodded already wanting to get over there where Vasco is currently to see him and the girl. Carole left the room to pack some things with her from her room.

"I'll get my gun ready this time I'll bring in one of my favorites~", Amanda giggled but it was a frightening one as she left Lora's room and went towards her room. To grab weapons and bring them with her into their spying mission.

They left my room to go get their stuff but that made me happy that they wanted to join in with me. Instead of opposing my plan to go observe them. Smiling as, I too go pack up some things and get a change of clothing.

Grabbing some clothes from my closet but grabbing a white t-shirt which was to big for me though putting it on. I grab the him of the shirt and brought it up to my nose taking great whiffs of it's scent.

*Sniff* sniff*

Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother, Big brother

This t shirt of his that contains his scent makes my head go crazy as this warm sensation when I smell his shirt travels through my body. Then towards down there as, i can't help but drip of bit of juices.

Rubbing my thighs together as, i feel an itch between my legs as my cunt is hungry for the massive monster that my big brother is hiding behind those pants and underwear.

Enough of that, i got to prepare and go where he is currently it won't be hard to track him down.


Vasco was wearing a nice blue tuxedo while he had someone's arm wrapped around his. He was walking with a red hair beauty that made everyone look at her. She was being the center of attention everywhere they walk. She was wearing a nice beautiful red dress that showed off her assets but not revealing to much.

She had a charming smile radiating happiness. Anya couldn't help but smirk internally as she was still able to snatch their dear big brother from their hands.

'He can be with only me!'

Vasco and Anya got into a limousine which was driven by Bela who still wore her maid outfit. But as they got it and drove off from the parking place. She looked at the mirror seeing her mistress happily grabbing his arm which was smoosh in between her breast. Vasco didn't mind one bit but didn't show on his face kept a blank look.

He was happy in the inside to be able to be close to her.

'I need her in my life or it won't be complete.....but she will never remember me all those times we spent together; I'll build new memories with her knowing that she is yet to know that she has an obsession with me or already has one'

Vasco was gloomy at that thought of how his loved one his former wife would never remember him and those memories they built together. But little did he know that Anya is getting her former memories back because she and him were brung back to the past. They both were back in their younger self just that one had their memories intact and the other had them locked.

When she regains those memories, she will become her old self. But it will be a huge change since now he has more woman to love in his life. Which will be a challenge to overcome as fights will break out between the women. Vasco already has a solution well at least a remedy to calm all of them down.

'I will probably get really exhausted because of it but it's for the better'

"We're here"

In front of a fancy restaurant, Bela parked the car and got out of the drivers seat opening the door for Anya who got out. Vasco opened the door to his right getting out as, Anya got close to him again wrapping around her arm with his. With her breast touching his arm and those that stared at them were that of admiration for Bela and Anya's beauty. Men giving out vicious jealous stares but were giving a frightening glare by Anya as they backed off.

"I'll leave you two it"

Bela left them for themselves, Anya appreciating her that she didn't do anything to impulsive as she backed away.

They moved together arms linked as they went to their reserved seats which a waiter took them.

"Your seats are right here"

"Have a seat Anya"

Vasco pulled the chair backwards like a gentleman as she smiled at this and gracefully sat down and Vasco pushed the chair back in. Then he sat down at last as the waiter was still staring at Anya but snapped out of his daze and gave out the menus.

"I'll be right back to check on you two and take your orders"



The waiter left as he was a bit flustered because the beauty of Anya.

"Well, we're here and would you like to have a nice business relationship"

"i don't mind"

"You know who I'm?"

"Yes, Indeed I do"

"Oh? Like you know who I'm truly am?"

Vasco knew that she was testing him trying to find out more about him and he just gave it out.

"The only child and daughter of the Castra family"

Anya smiled at this knowing that he would know if he dabbles himself in underground business.

"Do you like to be affiliated in the underworld?"

This made him raise an eyebrow but Anya knew that she hit the nail on the head. Smiling with her chin resting on top of her palm. Her crimson eyes staring into his green eyes as they both were loosing themselves into one's eyes.

"I do, I bet is that maid of yours getting information from me?"

"You're right but a young handsome boy like you to dabble in the dark side of society is something commonly seen but to be a influential, rich young boy at your age is something that those couldn't achieve"

"All it takes is mind, will and determination to get to the top"

"I like that answer of yours"

"Well lets enjoy today"


[Carole POV]

I hate it! Just look at them having a nice time together it makes me furious. Clenching my fist tightly and looking at my sisters they had the same expression as mines.

"Stop you three don't interrupt their time"

Hearing a voice, we look at our back and saw the maid.

"Why're you here? to stop us?"

"Indeed, I know you three will want them to stop and separate my mistress with your brother but even though I want that to happen, I can't let you three ruin their time as it would make my mistress very upset"

Bela did want that to happen but of course she prioritizes Anya over herself and will never disobey her orders.

I took out my daggers, i wanted to show her who she shouldn't mess with.